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Sunday, November 12, 2023

Sure Yo' Playing HARDBALL?

Sure Yo' Playing HARDBALL?

Sure Yo' Playing HARDBALL?  Go ahead by all means but before your locomotive goes chug-chug-chug, Playing HARDBALL  does NOT simply mean playing the game of HARDBALL [as against softball].  Gone are the days when, in life, you just needed to carry your weight around, railroading the hapless souls as you literally throw your weight when/wherever you want toπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

For a time, strategy became a foreign word in our life.  The fast-paced progress in our environment simply blinded many of us, believing that the traditional HARDBALL way of doing things especially for brick and mortar environments was still the norm.  Fast forward to today, it is NOT as it does NOT seem at allπŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅

Today, we have NO other choice but to piggy-back on the PRINCIPLES of HARDBALL crafted by the successful entrepreneurs.  First off, focus relentlessly on COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE  If you're angling for a prestigious job in the market, look dig deep and eke out your COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE[s]πŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

In the world of the NBA, many of us [wrongly] believe that NBA is sports, period.  Dude, it is NOT.  Instead, NBA is a business.  When they get into the messy trade negotiations, we would realize that NBA IS A BUSINESS!  Sure, you can see flashes of loyalty [like the late Kobe Bryant] who played only for the LA Lakers till his retirement and demise [RIP]❎❎❎

And this is NOT limited to physicality.  Today's top chess super grandmasters like Magnus Carlsen play HARDBALL like the palm of their hands.  They know well enough when to ATTACK & ATTACK and when it's time for a truce and offer a game that looks 'drawish' materially and positive-wise.  Sure Yo' playing HARDBALL❓❓❓

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