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Monday, November 20, 2023

Surviving Swimming is Surviving Life

Surviving Swimming Is Surviving Life

No sirrrrs, our thread today has nothing got to do with aquatic sports.  Instead, we'd like to deep-dive a bit and understand as to How Can You Swim To Survive in life.  First point here, our struggles in life can be best pictured out when we are 'in distress' in the waters.  Sadly, there is a very high mortality rate for those attempting to survive in the middle of the waterπŸ“™πŸ“˜πŸ“—

Even as swimming teaches and lends each of us many important messages, we all know the stereotypical things that we learn from swimming [although I am NO swimmer] like TIME MANAGEMENT and LIFE-SAVING skills.  BUT again, these are just doing the analogy and comparisons at the SURFACE-level.  What is most noteworthy is that swimming teaches us so many important skills that, if we are conscious enough, we should use and apply it in our lifeπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

At the very core of swimming is the TRUST that binds a swimmer and his coach.  That relationship is built on RESPECT, but most importantly it is built on TRUST.  If a swimmer does NOT TRUST the judgment of his coach, they will FAIL.  And for one to succeed, even the swimmer has to TRUST himself, TRUST your body and your abilitiesπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Oh, I grabbed this simple logo which says it all.  SWIM TO SURVIVE.  Life is HARD as swimming is.  We push ourselves everyday to our body's physical and mental limits.  This is something that most non-athletes never become comfortable doing and are NOT comfortable with at young ages like many swimmers.  Swimming teaches us to set goals and do everything in our power to get ourselves thereπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Now comes something many of us DON'T want to talk about, that HEARTBREAK.  On the surface, swimming teaches us HOW to succeed and be happy with ourselves but more importantly, it teaches us HOW to deal with DISAPPOINTMENTS and HEARTBREAKS.  So, let's cut the crap here.  swimming darn hard is akin to living life the hard way and reaping the FRUITS of your labor towards the end✅✅✅

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