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Friday, December 22, 2023

Words Of Affirmation

Why We Need Words Of Affirmation

If there is something that makes me kind of sad these days, it is the irony brought about by technology and specifically social media applications.  With the unabated proliferation of EMOJIs, most of us [maybe approximately 90% based on my guesstimate, would rather send EMOJIs in lieu of Words Of Affirmation to me this SADDER THAN SAD because I am a very strong advocate of the Words Of Affirmation as one of the most powerful tools NOT only to recognize people BUT in effect, even further reinforcing and sustaining their MOTIVATION to take to the next level, all via the very powerful Words Of Affirmation📗📙📘

Frankly, Words Of Affirmation have the power to shape our reality and in relationships, they can either BUILD or DESTROY.  When we use these WORDS, we communicate either/and/or appreciation, value and in relationships, love, to the person we are expressing with sincerity Words Of Affirmation which to me personally, CAN'T be overridden or relegated even by tons and tons of EMOJIs💴💷💵

Not to push me up BUT I'll humbly admit I'm very vociferous with Words Of Affirmation as I DON'T mince words.  I call a spade a spade.  Whether at work or when interacting with service providers, I DON'T even have that intestinal fortitude to ignore or shut off my eyes from either mediocre OR middling [I'm sorry I'm hesitant to use the adjective 'LOUSY' but at times, I firmly believe that the receiving party deserves that adjective📌📌📌

Let's put ourselves in the shoes of a girl being wooed by a persistent Lothario.  Would you prefer to receive hundreds of EMOJIs sent via social media in lieu of Words Of Affirmation that expresses to a 'T' the very message you want to impart?  On the other hand, just a word of caution when things would swing to NEGATIVE words because when written or spoken, they can leave lasting WOUNDS that undermine trust and the relationship itself✅✅✅

At my workplace [both from my past and present organizations], I WON'T be the second person you'll hear Words Of Affirmation because likely I'll be the first one.  I would humbly admit that years ago, after I commended a systems engineer from HP, the next thing that happened was he got promoted as a senior engineer the following month.  Till to date, I am the extreme opposite of being STINGY when it comes to Words Of Affirmation because besides entailing so little effort to express those Words Of Affirmation, it means a lot to the receiving end❗❗❗

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