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Sunday, December 10, 2023



Quite often, Mixing Up ANXIETY Versus CURIOSITY is concerning.  To align and ensure we DON'T get mixed up, allow me to quote the below definitions:  CURIOSITY is a non-judgmental inquisitiveness whereas ANXIETY is experienced as a threat of some kind [real OR imagined] versus CURIOSITY which can be just wondering about a non-emotional aspect of something.  So can ANXIETY and CURIOSITY happen at the same time?  As per experts, WHEN WE ARE IN THIS STRESSED STATE OR POTENTIALLY ANXIOUS STATE, THEN WE CANNOT BE CURIOUS AT THE SAME TIME๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

So, that's the stark contrast between ANXIETY versus CURIOSITY.  While ANXIETY can be driven as a habit by triggering worry as a mental behavior, despite that false sense of control, worrying ISN'T helpful whereas CURIOSITY is more rewarding for our brains.  Problem is, worrying comes easy to us.  We seem too quick and nimble in playing the mind's keys to compose our cacophonous masterpieces๐Ÿ’ด๐Ÿ’ท๐Ÿ’ต

In our moments of flow, we tend to become one with our ANXIOUS ruminations and in the end, lose track of reality.  We too are staggeringly creative.  Even when things are going well, we tend to agonize over imagined reversals of misfortunes.  Those lots of unnecessary WHAT IFs.  Banishing worry from our lives altogether may be a tall order.  BUT what is possible is to change our relation to it, hold our instruments with a tighter grip .  Here's the GOOD NEWS though.  Psychologists state that embracing CURIOSITY can even help to halt ANXIETY๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

So what does CURIOSITY really mean?  Researchers state that it is the desire to take in a new knowledge and experience.  It is that mindset that can STOP your ANXIOUS brain from thinking of every 'worst case scenario'.  Because whereas ANXIETY drives FEAR, CURIOSITY invites WONDER.  Studies show that when we seek new knowledge, scary feelings like uncertainty, SHRINK๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

So what's the experts' recommendation?  FOLLOW YOUR CURIOSITY.  As CURIORITY activates the same reward centers of our brain that light up when we learn something new or accomplish a goal, CURIOSITY also helps to temper DISTRESS and it makes us LESS DEFENSIVE and LESS REACTIVE to stress.  With all these benefits arising from our CURIOSITY not seemingly palpable, it takes a conscious effort for us to recognize the value and benefits of CURIORITY because it's about time we put to a stop the confusion caused when mixing up ANXIETY and CURIOSITY✅✅✅

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