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Friday, December 15, 2023

WHY Simplicity Trumps Complexity

WHY Simplicity Trumps Complexity

The late Steve Jobs, the co-founder of APPLE, explored how Simplicity Trumps Complexity.  but to quote his circuitous quotable quote:  SIMPLE CAN BE HARDER THAN COMPLEX.  YOU HAVE TO WORK HARD TO GET YOUR THINKING CLEAN TO MAKE IT SIMPLE.  BUT IT'S WORTH IT IN THE END BECAUSE YOU CAN GET THERE, YOU CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS'πŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

His words highlight HOW important it is to keep things CLEAR and STRAIGHTFORWARD when dealing with problems, making decisions and even when just thinking in general.  It's like saying that even though SIMPLICITY might seem easy, it actually takes a lot of careful thinking and focus to get there.  The quote points out that Simplicity doesn't mean things are easy.  Instead, it means that stripping down Complex stuff to its most basic form.  Our task at hand is how to dissect all this wisdom from Steve Jobs into concrete wordsπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Just like comparing halogen versus LED lights, we got to break down and break up the Complexity of that lighting technology so that we will reach a simplified point of discussion that will lead us to an informed decision whether we go for halogen or LED lights.  BTW, I'm all for LED lights, all because of facts at hand.  Our takeaway today, while we preach that Simplicity Trumps Complexity, it takes more than just semantics because we got to SIMPLIFY COMPLEXITIES in life✅✅✅

Moving forward, let's have 'CLEAN THINKING', that discipline of stripping away the unnecessary complexities and ask yourself 'WHAT IS THE CORE OBJECTIVE'?  And WHAT STEPS ARE ESSENTIAL TO ACHIEVE IT?  In brief, clearly communicate the end goal and the key steps to get thereπŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅

Then, let us PUT FOCUS on the TOP PRIORITIES.  To achieve Simplicity, it is imperative to prioritize with unrelenting and intentional FOCUS.  This DOESN'T mean oversimplifying  things but rather focusing on WHAT truly matters. I remember a quotable quote from Former U.S. President Bill Clinton, when he was discussing the economy, he blurted, KEEP IT SIMPLE, sh*t✅✅✅

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