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Friday, December 8, 2023

What Is The BIGGEST Room

What Is The BIGGEST Room

What Is The BIGGEST Room?  It's neither your living room nor mine.  We're referring to ROOMS for IMPROVEMENTS in our life as the biggest room.  A bit of history here, this motivational quote came about way back 1862 and popped up again in 1911.  In short, for over a century, the biggest room in the world has remained the ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT.  It doesn't matter WHO you are or your stage in your life⏳⏳⏳

If there is a BIG DON'T, it is NOT to compare yourself to others and become discouraged.  Just like you, they have ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT.  Simply put, FOCUS ON YOURSELF.  Seek to make improvements in your life daily.  Realize that NO one ever reaches perfection.  Thing is, this notion of IMPROVEMENT sounds so simple and non-controversial BUT it is anything but that.  For IMPROVEMENT to be systemic and continuous requires fundamental change in the way people work togetherAnd the very first characteristic is the ability to fulfill one's unique potential.  The others are coping with the normal stress of daily living, working productively and participating meaningfully in the community💴💷💵

So, the bigger question is:  HOW DO WE FULFILL OUR UNIQUE POTENTIALS?  A given here is that each of us brings something to the table but the biggest opportunity arises when we identify our strong points and consolidate them while resolving the work on one's current WEAK POINTS and transform them into areas of strength💎💎💎

This realization, that we are NOT static beings and that every single day we wake up and draw breath is a fresh opportunity to do better and to strive continuously for SELF-IMPROVEMENT and SELF-ACTUALISATION.  All these are based on the factual premise that each and every one of us is unique and different from each other person.  This is evidenced by the fact that we all have unique fingerprints and DNA for instance📌📌📌

Let us be mindful though that NO two individuals, NOT even identical twins, will have the same 'fingerprints'.  Deriving from the above is the need to stay in our OWN LANE and live our own life without unfair comparisons to others because YOU are different.  While STAYING IN OUR LANE, it will be foolhardy for us to simply resign ourselves to our respective areas of STRENGTHS while neglecting our glaring WEAKNESSES.  That will lead us then to The BIGGEST Room✅✅✅

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