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Monday, December 4, 2023

Sometimes, You're Better Off with NON-DECISIONS

Sometimes, You're Better Off with NON-DECISIONS

Sometimes, You're Better Off with NON-DECISIONS !   BUT before I get misconstrued, let me qualify that we're NOT encouraging INDECISIVENESS at all.  On the other hand, I can be a self-proclaimed advocate of DECISIVENESS because approximately 95% of the time in my past years, I'll humbly admit that I made FEARLESS DECISIONS not out of cockiness but as INFORMED DECISIONS💠💠💠

To align, let's agree on what NON-DECISIONS really as this involves suppressing challenges to the status quo and suppressing the addition of new issues to an agenda.  Issues then are excluded from an agenda because they are threatening in some direct way OR because of the competition for the limited space for one's agenda📗📙📘

So what's that gap between DECISIONS and NON-DECISIONSNON-DECISIONS avoid direct and sometimes even tacit confrontation.  NON-DECISION-MAKING focuses not on such direct use of power BUT on its indirect manifestations.  As such, power can be exercised in the absence of a direct and overt threat.  Psychologists also termed MOBILISATION of BIAS as the primary function of NON-DECISION-MAKING💵💴💷

So, when is a NON-DECISION good enough?  WHEN an imminent one [either FOR or AGAINST] will be worse off than a NON-DECISION.  Classic example is buying something now selling at a BIG DISCOUNT but that item is NOT a MUST-BUY [but a NICE TO BUY] for now but you simply want to take advantage of a hefty discount. BUT at that time, you were facing cash flow issues.  So, why not a NON-DECISION because that leaves you better off than reaching a DECISION❎❎❎

BTW, holding in abeyance DECISIONS does NOT mean you are foregoing with that impending decision BUT simply HOLDING IT IN ABEYANCE [until you can surmise the BEST TIMING to put your foot forward].  So, SOMETIMES, YOU'RE BETTER OFF WITH NON-DECISIONS❗❗❗

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