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Friday, December 29, 2023

When You Struggle On The Bases

When You Struggle On The Bases

How often do we struggle with feelings of UNWORTHINESS?  To avoid a mix-up, let's align that SELF-WORTH is far different from SELF-ESTEEM.  You could be happy in life BUT you might have that deep sense that something was wrong with YOU?  Heard of those who would mix it up in parties, then enrolling in dance and yoga classes, then enrolling in MBA classes, all these When You Struggle On The BasesπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

BUT did you hear sad narratives that tell us that NONE OF THOSE WORKEDTHAT busyness, THOSE parties.  THOSE MBA classes.  Even THOSE relationships, they were nice for a moment BUT they did not last.  What do studies tell us?  Let us cultivate unconditional SELF-WORTH and embrace yourself, then you'll realize that that new path is liberating, enlivening and life-giving.  So, UNCONDITIONAL SELF-WORTH is the sense that you deserve to be alive, to be loved and cared forπŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅

Now, to ensure we DON'T mix-up SELF-WORTH with SELF-ESTEEM, the latter is derived from our abilities, accomplishments and social positions and stuff we believe and we can achieve.  We can then improve our SELF-ESTEEM by improving our skills or performance, then our SELF-ESTEEM goes up and down depending on how we're doingπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

WHEREAS, SELF-WORTH is distinct from our abilities and accomplishments.  It's NOT about comparing ourselves to others BUT it's NOT something that we can have more or less of.  Unconditional SELF-WORTH is that sense that you deserve to be alive, to be loved, to be cared for, to take up space✅✅✅

Adverts tell us we need to buy things to be LOVED.  Our educational system teaches us that our WORTHINESS is based on our grades or test scores.  Our parents may have implied that they would love us more IF we made it to the honor roll.  And as social media pervades our lives, we have also begun to feel that our WORTHINESS is based on the number of FOLLOWERS and LIKES we get !@#$% So what keeps us from cultivating unconditional SELF-WORTH especially WHEN WE STRUGGLE ON THE BASES❗❗❗

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