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Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Some Stuff Just Won't FLY

Some Stuff Just Won't FLY

Years ago, I was attending a forum where Oracle's then CEO Larry Ellison keynoted the event and was sharing to the audience how he envisioned how things will be seamless when he arrives his home and leaves the next day [just like Siri, the iPhone's virtual assistant].  Eventually, the geeks and experts introduced us to the INTERNET of THINGS [IOT].   BUT hey, some stuff just won't FLYπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Recently, someone quipped to me that if he knew he will sitting down in front his laptop for 10-12 hours a day, he would have NOT accepted that kind of job.  WAIT when pandemic struck.  He NOW realized that YES HE CAN.  Truth is, you could be an event organizer, a veterinarian, a handyman or even a housewife, you'll need a device, whether that's a laptop or a gadget.  So, WHO says that it's either your WAY or NO WAY? Again, some stuff just won't FLYπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

So, why do children love mascots to the extent they wanna hugggggggggg them FOREVER? It's because the kids cherish endless happiness and they thought that's what mascots really are.  BUT again, some stuff just won't FLY.  Now, let's swing to our own comfort zones wherein your wish is WHAT comes true to form, where your WANT is what's followed, where HOW you feel is WHAT matters.  BUT hey, that's a utopian state that remains fictional till todayπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
Let's swing to our personal interactions with our buddies and close friends.  How familiar is this story wherein it used to be, they had weekly ZOOM calls with enabled cameras too till those weekly forays eroded to texting [sending SMS] and of late, "KEEP UP" and some exchanges of memes and other 'witty' things they share on-the-fly but did you hear that that at that point, there is less going in depth?   Again, some stuff just Won't FLY✅✅✅
OR you could be that ballerina/dancer who dutifully practices her trade but even in the aftermath of that pandemic, you would still observe that ballerina/dancer so dutiful in her practices but in the hollowed halls, she is with her mentor, dutifully watched virtually that is.  What's our takeaway today?  MAKE DO with WHAT we have because some stuff just won't FLY❗❗❗

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