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Friday, December 29, 2023


When Things Come Back To You

Most people know about KARMA, which translates to:  WHAT YOU GIVE OUT, YOU GET BACK IN THE SAME FORM.  That being said, are you giving attention to WHAT you are projecting in terms of your thoughts, words, feelings, and actions?  It is a universal law that you REAP WHAT YOU SOW.  Moreover, you are a reflection of your predominant thoughts, beliefs, words, and actions.  You are WHAT you think about and you receive according to your predominant thoughts.  HOW ABOUT GIVING OUT WHAT YOU MOST WANT TO GET BACK?  Do you want more LOVE?  Give out an abundance of LOVE.  Do you want people to CARE about you?  Spend more time showing people you CARE.  The SMALLEST ACTIONS YIELD THE GREATEST RETURNSπŸ’΅πŸ’΄πŸ’·

Truth is, LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE.  That should be as clear as the water in social media.  Whatever you want in your life, focus on that and you will likely receive ore of the same in return because it is a universal principle.  You can have WHAT you want in your life.  Your desires can come true  IF they are realistic and you understand the principles involved to get them.  The MATERIALISM of your desires is NOT magic.  Instead it is based on universal laws.  Bottom line is, I have to admit that I do WALK THE TALK despite my frailties and all my faults, I fully subscribe to all theseπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Through the years, if there is one thing I fully embraced is exactly NOT just wishing GOOD for others but in my own modest ways, to extend in whatever form and shape how I can influence and help that 'WISH GOOD' for others will come into fruition.  Once I step out of home, my mantra is always to treat people on even keel.  Our company driver, security personnel or even janitorial people are NO less than me, than us.  Even for out of town sorties, I can share my room with our company driver, share a meal with them on the road, and treat them in the way I want to be treatedπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

GIVING itself is something that endears much to me, to my values.  Not to beat my chest but we have shared valuable home assets to less fortunate people because we felt that they deserve to be uplifted in their daily life and our humble sharing would hopefully help alleviate their day-to-day situations in life✅✅✅

In concrete terms, do you want more success?  Write it down, journal it, and get clear on what ROCKS YOUR BOAT.  Spend more time thinking about these things.  Do you want more money flowing into your life?  I am NO magician but we can encourage you to maintain a prosperity consciousness and simultaneously sow into other people's lives that are in need.  Entertain thoughts of LOVE & COMPASSION while focusing your attention on your desires.  The SMALLEST ACTIONS YIELD THE GREATEST RETURNS❗❗❗

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