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Saturday, December 2, 2023



Can We Be LESS MISERABLE?  Oh, let me paraphrase our question instead.  Do we want to be HAPPIER?  Rather than looking for more joy, maybe we can aim for LESS MISERY?  Studies by psychologists showed that people tend to prefer to solve problems BY ADDITION rather than SUBTRACTION.  And what holds true of engineering challenges and brainteasers also holds true of HAPPINESS๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

If we are an entrepreneur who would like to be HAPPIER om your work and life, chances are excellent our first impulse will be to add something.  OR perhaps a new career direction would solve our woes?  Indeed, those are often good "HAPPINESS' moves but as experts declared, at best, that's only one half of the equation.  It's true we can improve our well-being by ADDING joy to our lives BUT we can also achieve the same aim by SUBTRACTING MISERY๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

So, the bigger question looming over us is WHAT practices and habits should be on the chopping board if we want to STOP overlooking the SUBTRACTING approach to greater HAPPINESS?  British Mathematician Bertrand Russell opined that what most people fear is NOT falling into destitution BUT that they will fail to OUTSHINE THEIR NEIGHBOR.  Sadly, this is our human weakness.  Keeping up with the Joneses is a never-ending game that can lead to discontent๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

Closely linked to keeping up with the Joneses is ENVY as it has been constantly linked to it.  Frankly, ENVY is defined as that condition of feeling BAD because someone else has more than you.  The proposal of Bertrand Russell to this dilemma is quite straightforward.  Whoever wishes to increase HUMAN HAPPINESS must wish to INCREASE ADMIRATION.  Rather than just suffer because of other people's excellence, CELEBRATE & LEARN from it❗❗❗

To make matters worse, factor-in BOREDOM.  Despite all the technologies we now have, the TRUTH is, no gadget or streaming service can fully save us from BOREDOM.  They can, however, DISTRACT us from essential but uncomfortable reflections and creative growth.  What's our FIX?  Let's FIGHT AND REGAIN our capacity to just sit quietly and just notice the world around us  so We can be LESS MISERABLE✅✅✅

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