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Sunday, December 25, 2022

When More Water Seeps Into Your Boat

When More Water Seeps Into Your Boat

Life is very much akin to that sailboat ready to sail off as the waters out there seem so CALM and SERENE.  That's how we start off with our life.  At the onset, life is so alluring, so enticing and so tempting such that we can't wait to really sail off to the high seas, with ourselves all buckled up and equipped with all the safety and protective gears.  But hold on, who promised us that life will be akin to a consistently smooth sailing from the time you set off from the wharf?  No sirrrrs, the high seas may not show up neither the dreaded whales nor the unforeseen cataclysmic weather conditions⏳⏳⏳

But no sirrrrs, as we would witness out there in the wide open seas, risks abound all over the immense sheets of waters.  Enough of the 'horror stories' but we all have heard of boats that sailed off but were never seen nor heard to have returned safely to the wharf.  WHY?  Because such is life, once you set out there, you are on your own. Until  When More Water Seeps Into Your Boat
Not until  When More Water Seeps Into Your Boat when you will realize that probably, that's the BEGINNING of the END, that dreaded tragic end when you feel you're very much helpless as you are on your own.  Suddenly, while you're sending SOS signals, you would play catch up throw out the waters that keep seeping into the boat, my GodπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
And when the boat starts to capsize, that's exactly your predicament once you would suffer a spate of setbacks, farther pushing you back three steps back once you move forward by a step.  Net result?  It means you suffered two setbacks for every step you move forward.  And when this hits us in life, this DOESN'T mean we're getting stalled.  Instead, we are moving backwards.
So,  When More Water Seeps Into Your Boat, what do you do next?  First off, you got to pour it out, squeezing every ounce of grit and energy you can exert.  And be forewarned that for every ounce of effort you pour out, your probability of surviving that struggle will only go up if you increase by notches your effort   When More Water Seeps Into Your BoatπŸ“—πŸ“•πŸ“˜

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