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Saturday, December 10, 2022

What Will Be Will Be

What Will Be Will Be

Oh, I'm getting nostalgic now when I started to reminisce my childhood years when my aunt would request my uncle to play the piano as she sings QUE SERA SERA.  Little did I had any inkling at all that one day, I''d write this piece to discuss What Will Be Will Be because literally this means QUE SERA SERA in Spanish.

So where's the fuss here?  Let's traverse back in time.  How often you have seen people lament for failing on this and that?  Only to shrug off one's shoulder and retort "WHATEVER WILL BE WILL BE".  Ouch.  While we can be fatalistic, it does NOT mean that you will NOT lift a finger for you to carry on and see things through with your set goal.  What explains why the situation of some people just became damn too pathetic because they fail and fail and fail over and over again and if you eff them to do a post-mortem, they'll retort that this is their fate.
One can get unleashed and run across the wide open fields in the countryside but the best things in are NOT for one's picking up in the wide open fields.  Problem is, some of those who get 'off tracked' have a slanted view of things.  Couple that up with a convoluted understanding of the multifarious variables in life's equation.
Fact check:  IF YOU ARE FATED TO FAIL, SHOULD YOU GIVE UP, UP FRONT BECAUSE OF THAT PERCEIVED FATE?  So sorry but this is all wrong, all off-track.  Everything is left at our very own hands, right in our face.  It's for us to DO things or just lose things in default.  A consistent combination of blood, sweat and tears is what will get you through.
Whether you eventually take the left, center or right direction, it's immaterial but what matters most is that you remain damn focused with your goal which you can only achieve with that razor-sharp steadfastness to achieve what you aim for.  And if you fail?  Go pick up the pieces and continue from where you got stalled.  Only then WHAT WILL BE WILL BE📌📌📌

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