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Thursday, December 1, 2022

FAILURE is Not The Opposite of SUCCESS

FAILURE is Not The Opposite of SUCCESS

For the longest time, deep within me, I [very wrongly] thought that FAILURE is The Opposite of SUCCESS but after having gone through the wringer, the rough and tumble phases in my life, I am now doing a hundred eighty degree turn and instead preach that FAILURE is Not The Opposite of SUCCESS [and with my sleeves rolled, I'm more than willing to trade punches [a.k.a. PROs and CONs].  Truth is, FAILURE is very much part of SUCCESS.  When you realize that, you free yourself from that FEAR of FAILURE.  In life, FAILURE is inevitable and the best leaders learn from their FAILURE, that is a hardened fact.

Let that sink in.  When we get scared even on that slim probability of failing, we are likely to decide to make NO choice, NO decision, NO move.  When the "WHAT IFs" start to outweigh your momentum, you loose sight of your vision, period. To quote respected American writer Arianna Huffington [who's written 15 books [and still counting]] said: " WE NEED TO ACCEPT THAT WE WON'T ALWAYS MAKE THE RIGHT DECISIONS, THAT [SOMETIMES] WE'LL SCREW UP, UNDERSTANDING THAT FAILURE IS NOT THE OPPOSITE OF SUCCESS, IT'S PART OF SUCCESS.

If many us sometimes procrastinate, it's because fearing failure does breed that hesitation + procrastination.  Which is exactly what YOU DO NOT WHAT TO DO.  Because what separates dreamers and doers is that just that.  If you want to be a doer, if you want to create something for yourself, it's up to you to do so.  If you DON'T access that you may FAIL, you compromise your ability to be FEARLESS,

Indeed there's a balance between taking the plunge and blindly jumping to failure.  And just because you shouldn't fear failure doesn't mean you shouldn't try and avoid it.  Instead, you should aim to find the middle ground, create situations where you probably won't fail.  And even if you do, know that you will learn from it.  When you fall back down you not only need to get back up and try again, you need to get back up and try a new approach because FAILURE is Not The Opposite of SUCCESS

Whatever you do, DON'T fear FAILURE or think that FAILURE is the opposite of success.  Learning from FAILURE, and turning it into lessons, can ultimately make you extremely successful.  If only we can decide to get this one-liner embedded deep within us.  that SUCCESS & FAILURE are Siamese Twins.  FAILURE will lead you towards SUCCESS because it is Not The Opposite of SUCCESS📌📌📌

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