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Friday, December 30, 2022

What To Do With Your 'TO-DO' List?

What To Do With Your 'TO-DO' List?

What To Do With Your 'TO-DO' List? Oh, this is a top-heavy question.  All the while, I thought that having that 'TO-DO' List caps and solves all my tasking woes?  Not until I realized that mu 'TO-DO' List is either froze or simply stalled.  And if it does change, that 'TO-DO' List just gets longer and longer.  What could explain that conundrum which surely was unintentional and totally unrecognizable not until when we started to react to that list getting longer.

Some may even end up being defensive by blurting, hey my 'TO-DO' List is NOT getting longer.  Instead, all the sticky notes and post-it notes are just all over the wall, all over the place.  What can explain this common phenomenon?  Logically, you'd think tht when your TO-DO List was at its longest would be when you'd kick into high gear and start ticking things off like a production locomotive.  

But in my personal experience, often the opposite happens.  When my TO-DO List grows this long, I would tend to panic, my motivation tanks and my brain fogs.  I end up stressing more than accomplishing.  Apparently, having so many things to do that you can't do any of them is a recognized psychological phenomenon..  And the clinical studies have buttressed it.

Knowing that I am experiencing something called my psychologists as 'OVERWHELM FREEZE' and that it is common enough to merit its own terminology, is soothing.  But I still have to figure it out what to get for my impossible-to-buy and when I'm going to squeeze myself.  There's even this joke:  'HOW DO YOU EAT AN ELEPHANT?'  ONE  BITE AT A TIME.  

No matter the size of the elephant, those individual bites should be quite ridiculously small and concrete that you CAN'T possibly stress about them.  Think about rewriting your TO-DO List as if you were giving instructions to a teenager who doesn't really want to do it so you really have to be SPECIFIC💹💹💹

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