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Monday, December 5, 2022

Scraping The Bottom Of The Barrel

Scraping The Bottom Of The Barrel

No sirrrrs, today's piece is NOT a FUN' one but instead, we'd like to touch whenever we're Scraping The Bottom Of The Barrel because that's something frequently missed out and overlook in our daily lives not because it does NOT happen but simply because we're so overwhelmed with all the challenges we face when in reality, we're Scraping The Bottom Of The Barrel

In reality, though, we're scraping the bottom of the barrel maybe more times than we ever thought.  what could explain why the awareness is at a very low level, if at all?  Truth is, when we're seemingly scraping the barrel, it is not triggered by one single event.  Scraping the barrel is a CONFLUENCE of EVENTS because of the multifarious triggers.
WHEN you keep getting low grades in school despite all the efforts you have been pouring.  WHEN almost everyday, arguments with your spouse/partner are happening and as the days pass, things seem to turn from BAD to WORSEWHEN at work, you have been guilty of one fumbling act after another.  WHEN you have been manifesting various symptoms, all leading to your failing health.  WHEN your business P&L is very much 'in the RED', with your business burdened by mounting debts from various debtors.  All these are tell-tale signs that manifest that very likely you're scraping the bottom of the  barrel.
Problem is, when we are so overwhelmed and buried by the avalanche of problems that seem to turn from BAD to WORSE, we fail to realize that we're scraping the Bottom of the barrel and the common culprit for this circumstance is that we refuse to see and accept reality.  Even when things are exploding right in our face, we tend to downplay it and instead, we seem to be patting our backs with comforting words like "NO WORRIES, YOU'LL BE FINE", whew.
So what's our FIX for this conundrum?  FACE the music.  FACE the problem.  NEVER avoid reality.  And worse, never let those problems linger around you because we can guarantee that those problems will NEVER die a natural death, they just WON'T go away.  NOT UNTIL you fix it.  NOT UNTIL you resolve it.  NOT UNTIL you close it out.  Let's just throw out in the window that scraping the bottom of the barrel๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

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