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Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Tides of Change

Tides of Change

Who says CHANGE IS COMING?  Yes it is, and it comes instantaneously, anytime now unlike to a 'SCHEDULED CHANGE' we would here across infrastructures. So how do we handle the Tides of Change?  For the uninitiated in life, when someone hears CHANGE IS COMING, one might just shrug off his shoulders and blurt out 'WHAT ELSE IS NEW'πŸ“—πŸ“•πŸ“˜

Even the changes of the tide along the coastal areas are given constants.  Who cares if high tide is coming or if the water is receding soon?  Truth of the matter, if we start talking about CLIMATE CHANGE, no less than Former US Vice President Al Gore was the top advocate of CLIMATE CHANGE.  In today's new, the savage blizzard in the U.S. left 31 dead and that's besides the power outages.

We're NOT even talking about evolution here because that's predictive enough.  Instead, in life, we should be ready enough for anything that's beyond the theory of evolution.  As it is, there are zillions of "WHAT IFs" in life, so the question swings back to your COPING CAPABILITYπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

HOW deftly can you COPE when suddenly you end up jobless [regardless of reason]?  HOW do you handle things when someone in the family gets seriously ill?  HOW do you mitigate the impact of the financial markets to your mortgaged home?  HOW do you do that elusive 'damage control' things start to spiral way OUT-of-CONTROL?  Or let's do a post-mortem now.  How did you handle EVERYTHING when pandemic hit us badly?
If at all, one factor that one has to have in his life is his AGILITY.  To be AGILE means you are capable to immediately 'change course' when the situation demands.  To be AGILE means you are able to go from Plan A to Plan B to even a Plan C or a Plan D.  Why do many of us get waylaid ?  For one simple reason.  That happens when we are unable to cope with the TIDES of CHANGEBTW, in life, CHANGE is a CONSTANT❗❗❗

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