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Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Treading Uncharted Waters

Treading Uncharted Waters

Who has not been treading uncharted waters, at least in the past?  Me thinks, everyone of us did tread uncharted waters at some points in our life.  I'll admit I did tread uncharted waters countless times in the past.  In a bit, let's align and agree as to what should we all define 'uncharted waters' so that we DON'T end up with diverse interpretations of today's pieceπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

This recent global pandemic could be the best classic example of uncharted waters the whole global village just went through [till now].  Thing is, all of us collectively confront a sea of difficulties and charged with navigating unchartered waters.  And let's admit it, till today as we speak now, these are uncertain times.  Unfortunately, by nature, we are ill-suited to uncertainty.
Much as we are gifted with imagination, we sometimes tend to project the future and analyze possible scenarios.  Scenario planning does help us prepare for contingencies.  Unfortunately though, our imaginations can also paralyze us with panic.  Heard of 'ANALYSIS PARALYSIS'?  When some of us get caught up and hostaged by the cycles of analysis till we realize that decisions are 'hanging up in the air', no thanks to ANALYSIS PARALYSIS?

Much as we have our immediate families at home and our work colleagues at the workplace, most of the time we are ALONE.  As such, we need to control our minds and NOT let them run rampant into 'dark places' that end up freaking us out.  The mind can be like a SPIDER that, if we allow it, it will spin webs and twist everything together into a confused mass. 

We then end up blaming the 'caught up' things for the web we created where we want to be free of.  Bluntly, we tend to 'kill the things we love' only to sing about our grief.  Hey dude, the time for smug cynicism has passed.  The situation we are in may be unique but the ways to deal with it are as ancient as it is.  Bottom line is, let's brace ourselves treading uncharted waters because that's part and parcel of our livesπŸ“—πŸ“˜πŸ“™ 

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