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Wednesday, December 28, 2022

When Life Snaps

 When Life Snaps

When Life Snaps.  There's a story going viral now in social media.  An American couple would have their daily exercise by simply walking their dog 'Rudy' every morning.  Recently, despite the biting winter, the hubby woke up his wifey for that daily morning walk but she begged off because she thought she had to catch more sleep.

And during those moments, it was like hearing someone strumming the guitar, the sound that is soothing no less.  So, the wifey went back to her deep slumber only to be awakened by the police knocking at the main door.  And the police advised her that an ambulance has rushed her hubby to the hospice after a kind commuter happened to pass by, seeing him sprawled on the ice-covered ground while his hubby's dog Rudy was kinda in grief fidgety around the almost lifeless body.  And the wife admitted, that was the swiftest time she moved, scampering to drive to the hospice for her hubby's emergency.  Sadly, the ER doctors admitted they were unable to resuscitate her hubby back to life again.

Such is life.  Day-in day-out, it is akin to the placid waters across the lake UNTIL tragedy happens and more often, way beyond our control.  So this is When Life Snaps.  One minute you can see the placid waters.  The next minute, the waters are in turmoil.  The least the bereaving wifey can share to the media was that very hurting lesson to enjoy every moment with your loved one[s].  Unless there is a 'show stopper', never let that opportunity be missed by you.

So, life is like traversing the high seas and suddenly, you end up in troubled waters.  Probably your boat's engine conked out.  Or water just starts tp seep into the boat.  So, if you're sharing your life with your loved one, when will you cherish every moment? Is it when you sound out an SOS call in the high seas?  By the time, do you still have those moments to really relish together with your loved one When Life Snaps?

When Life Snaps, what follows next are a hell lot of WHYsWHY did I not spend as much time with my loved one?  WHY did I give my loved one a lower priority?  WHY did I seemingly ignored his/her presence when he/she was very much alive?  WHY did I not give him/her the importance which I used to bestow on him/her when we were just dating? WHY oh WHY? C'mon, let us NOT wait [only to regret] When Life SnapsπŸ“—πŸ“˜πŸ“™

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