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Wednesday, December 14, 2022



All along, we hear people counsel us to get out of our COMFORT ZONE.  And to be fair, many of did go way beyond our respective COMFORT ZONEs and voila, many of us really did etch our own marks.  But here's the perennial trap.  Why is it many of us still end up in that 'boxed in' conundrum where we are unable to gain the momentum and in the end, we all tend to get stalled and unable to move forward.

So, what's in store for us when we take that calculated risk of breaching the PERFORMANCE ZONE towards the STRETCH ZONE?  A lot, to be honest.  To start with, this is akin to moving the goal post.  it is those times when you challenge yourself because you'd rather set lofty goals rather than capturing a 'no contest' goal because it's right there in front your very nose.  You might be surprised though that are more non-converts compared to the converts with STRETCH ZONES.
Someone might ask us:  CAN'T I FIND SUCCESSES within my COMFORT ZONE?  Of course, absolutely you can.  Analogy-wise, that is akin to a student who completed the Grade 8th Level and wants to remain there because he wants to lord it out across the market.  But is that the narrow-minded interpretation of things?  What is there to lose when you take that LEAP of FAITH and take the plunge next?
Anyone who needs an inspiration need not go that far.  Just look at the huge bell seating atop a vantage point across the rolling valleys down there.  Once the 'bell boy' starts to swing the rope for the local community to hear the loud decibels of that big bell, its impact is just enormous.  You can be at the farthest flung of the the city, but you'll still hear when it rings.
In all humility, while my successes to date remain modest and NOT 'earth-shaking', I can attest that IF I didn't go out of my PERFORMANCE ZONEIF I didn't get to the STRETCH ZONE.  IF I didn't raised the stakes high in taking all the manageable risks, I would NOT be what I am now.  DON'T get me wrong though.  My successes are just modest enough, nothing to brow beat because that shouldn't be the case📌📌📌

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