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Saturday, December 3, 2022

See What Needs To Be Seen

See What Needs To Be Seen

Happy Weekend folks.  And to help lead us towards a more restful weekend, I thought our piece today regarding our EYES and what we can SEE and ought to SEE deserves today's space.  So, the question is as much everyone is gifted with the EYES to SEE, do we always See What Needs To Be Seen?  I doubt it, to be honest.  Quite often [and this happened a few times to me in the past], much as we are gifted with that sight and vision, for various reasons [and some of which are unfathomable], we are are unable to See What Needs To Be Seen, whew.

Which reminds me of this sharing from Quora [posted by Jerusalem Artichoke] on November 20th].  A blond went up to the police officer on the street and said 'Officer, I locked my keys in my car over there.  Can you help me?'  The officer said 'How good is your vision?'  The blonde said, 'I have 20/20 vision but what's that got to do with unlocking my car?'  The officer said 'Well, I can see from here that your windows are rolled down', whew.

Truth is, you first need to learn how to view your problems differently.  When you encounter a problem, think about the outcome and then, pick up the lesson learned from there. The first instinct may be to whine and complain but over a few days, the purpose of the problem will reveal itself to you, it will surface out and there's just no way for you, for us to deny and refuse that that problem "CAN'T BE SEEN" at all.  Unfortunately, it is hard to change our way of thinking the negatives into positives.  But over time, that skill can be acquired. 

If you are patient with yourself and do not intend of rushing your thoughts.  Sometimes, some of our most frustrating problems in life can be the most valuable lesson we can ever learn from.  To think of it as a lesson rather than an obstacle helps you  to accept the fact that that problem is intended to help you become a better person [and not a bad person].
Even if we wade through the waters along the famous canals in Venice, the most exciting news of our problems in life is that is that it can happen anywhere but yet those lessons aren't taught to us in school at all.  Those problems are often like a volcano, dormant as we know it but next day, it spews lava when it erupts, These problems teach you more than 'JUST BE NICE'.  Instead, it teaches us the value of character and the true understanding of why it happened.  We just need to SEE HAT NEEDS TO BE SEEN✅✅✅

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