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Saturday, October 1, 2022



Who says that when there is MOTION, we're fine? No sirrrrrs, NEVER Confuse MOTION With DIRECTION because that MAY or MAY NOT mean anything in life.  During my early school days when there was more idle time than 'BUSY TIME', myself and my classmates would explore things by just walking and walking.  And I remember we walked stretching to six miles [that's approximately ten kilometers] out of our city going as remote as possible.  After feeling [finally] drained and exhausted but after all the time had lapsed, we failed to realize NEVER Confuse MOTION With DIRECTION.

Now, let's go back to the very basics of semantics. Let's start with MOTION.  It can be anything which causes a change in the situation, whether it's the deck of chairs on the TITANIC or the hierarchy in a political party.  Now for DIRECTION or ACTION.  It's what the movie director calls for to get a scene started when filming a movie.  It is a MOTION but with a purpose.  So what does  NEVER Confuse MOTION With DIRECTION really mean?  It's for us NOT to really get mixed up between MOTION and DIRECTION.

Why is DIRECTION that important?  We can move things around in our life BUT without DIRECTION, does anything useful actually take place?  Definitely NOT from a single motion.  To see actual change, there has to be meaning and purpose to the MOTION or MOVEMENT.  Only then does that MOTION or MOVEMENT may very likely lead to a DIRECTION.  Think about that TITANIC scenario where they are rearranging the deck chairs when in fact the boat was already sinking⌛⌛⌛

Having a DIRECTION means doing something which makes sense versus just going through the MOTION.  By just choosing MOTION, we are wasting time.  By finding direction in our MOTION, we are investing our time in the desired outcome of our action or MOTION.  In fact, MOTION is the term used for doing things which DON'T achieve results.  NEVER Confuse MOTION With DIRECTION📌📌📌

Why DON'T we take a moment and think back through the last few days or even weeks.  How much time was spent on busy-work or simply being in MOTION?  How much of that time could you cut out?  What activities tend to eat up the most time?  Consider what you might change to free up some MOTION time for taking action that has a DIRECTION.  Please DON'T get me wrong.  It happens only few of us can be in that constant direction but it pays to be constantly aware NEVER Confuse MOTION With DIRECTION📗📙📘

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