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Sunday, October 16, 2022

Optics Matter

Optics Matter

Today's piece has got nothing to do with optical or optometrists but instead, let's discuss about as to why in our life, why does Optics Matter.  What people see.  How they see it.  What happens right before their eyes.  How things transpire right in our naked eyes.  All those are inputs which people will draw out before they arrive at conclusions and judgments.  Truth is, many times, the conclusions and judgments of people about us could either be wrong, skewed, slanted or altogether wrong but do we fault and blame them when in real life, Optics Matter.  And what they can bear witness, what they saw and the can attest with their naked eyes all will lead towards one's conclusion.

We all agree that for visions less than 20/20, things are blurry not until they wear those indispensable spectacles.  So we can't blame people once they get to be bespectacled, things become crystal clear and and once they draw conclusions, trust me, that gets embedded and cast in stone. All because Optics Matter.

And even from afar. people can draw conclusions, no thanks to those binoculars.  I really cannot blame people from sometimes ending up with conclusions that are less than 100% accurate. Why?  Because we acted in ways that drew a different perspective.  Because we manifested behaviors that were not aligned with what is the TRUTH.  And worst, we blurted out words that reaffirmed the very Optics which all Matters.

Now let's play scenarios.  What if we are NOT transparent.  We are NOT expressive.  We DON'T 'walk the talk'.  What if we come out vague and ambiguous?  What could be the end result?  People will still draw out conclusions and judgments about us but either they will [accurately] judge us as either vague or ambiguous OR worst, they will end up with totally inaccurate conclusions all because Optics Matter.

So, to drastically lower the probability of us being wrongly judged, be YOURSELF, be TRANSPARENT, be TRUTHFUL.  Let us NOT send 'mixed signals, saying one thing but doing another thing. Where possible, avoid words or actions where you will be misconstrued.  And for the mother of all NO-NO's, never look HAPPY when you're SAD, never look PLEASED if you're DISPLEASED because Optics Matter❗❗❗

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