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Monday, October 24, 2022

Why Many Heists Succeed

Why Many Heists Succeed

Why do many heists succeed to a 'T'? Let me be very crystal clear though.  I am NOT here to incite or instigate anything that's sinister-like with regard heists.  In fact, we all condemn all kinds of crime and especially heists.  BUT here's the BUT.  Can we take a leaf from all those heist Netflix movies till to date?  Why are these heist movies so stereo-typed such that you would know how the script starts, how it develops including all the twists and turns before voila, the whole plan comes up true to form?
Oh yes, everybody dreams and dreams of a great life.  Who doesn't want it anyway.  But looking back at those heist movies, does the script share to us how they plan a great life?  Nope they DON'T.  Instead, what those heist movies will share with us are the planning and execution of all those heists.  
For the latest Netflix heist movie I did watch, the brains and mastermind of the heist didn't plan for decades.  In fact, the #1 brains admitted that he did nothing but THINK & PLAN about the heist for about three hundred days, that's all.  He was so focused such that he planned and worked on all the nitty gritty for very long hours per day until D-Day came and there was no turning back, so to speak.
Obviously, when we hear heists, we can visualize all those guns ablaze from masked men.  But if all these gangs were successful, can we agree on their proven recipe?  Yesirrrrrrreee, it is PLANNING PLANNING and PLANNING round the clock.  Besides being 'spot on' and super meticulous in every detail, their PLANNING side is impeccable at the very least.
Now, what's the lesson we can pick up here?  It is for us to give the buy-in to the proven mantra that all the hard work gets paid off once all the goals you have set would have come into fruition.  Except for those one in a million LOTTO jackpot winners where surely they can never replicate their flash in the pan success stories, for us all, let's ride that bandwagon of PLANNING, PLANNING and PLANNING because there's no other way❗❗❗

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