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Friday, September 30, 2022

Will The Clouds Yield 'RAIN SHOWER' ?

Will The Clouds Yield 'RAIN SHOWER' ?

Will The Clouds Yield 'RAIN SHOWER' ?  No folks, it ain't matter, right?  Whether rain eventually falls or not, every single tiny speck in our plan has to proceed based on our plan.  Not even the gloomy clouds can stop or delay you from taking your NEXT STEP.  But you might ask, is this concern?  Yes it is, till now, because we have witnessed lots of things held up even by the CLOUDS

In fact, LIFE MUST GO ON.  The SHOW MUST GO ON.  Unfortunately, we are often vulnerable to get impacted by external factors that are akin to force majeure, to 'ACTS of GOD'.  So, where does that lead you to?  Why do you need to put things ON HOLD?  In the first place, we are NOT an aircraft awaiting GO SIGNAL from the control tower.

Care to await the next day's weather forecast?  Tell that to the marines.  Why do we wait for something that's way beyond our purview?  Why put your life in a 'holding pattern' like that aircraft awaiting the control tower's GO SIGNAL to [finally] land?  It just makes NO SENSE, period. Why stall things in your life when rightfully, you got to move on and just DO YOUR THING?  Will you still put your eggs in one basket? Will The Clouds Yield RAIN SHOWER?

This poster says it all.  ARE YOUR PLANS IN PLACE?  Then, if so, DON'T LEAVE THINGS TO CHANCE. why?  Leaving things to chance is abandoning things you rightfully have the legitimate right to make decisions.  If your work performance is in the doldrums, will you tell yourself 'WAIT TILL YOUR BOSS LEAVES the company'?  If your relationship is hitting rough patches, why won't you lift a finger and instead wait for things on the other side to turn up positive?

Yesirrrrs  MAKE THINGS HAPPEN no less.  And NOT for things NOT TO HAPPEN.  In fact, the harshest thing in life is for you NOT to FAIL because you didn't even step forward and pick up the gauntlet Bluntly, not lifting your finger is WORST THAN FAILURE.  At the very least, if ever you fail on something, it's because you did give it a try [and failed] whereas NOT LIFTING A FINGER?  Where does that bring you?  To the long list of defaulters who might be even afraid of their own shadows📗📘📙

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