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Friday, October 28, 2022

Our Illusions in Life

 Our Illusions in Life

Yesirrrrs life is all real but did we realize that we are being swarmed with all shapes and forms of Illusions in Life?!@#$%&  and it's unavoidable that even all the kinds of fears and limits we struggle [and live] in life are more illusionary than real.  Trust me.  For the non-swimmers who till now have yet to acquire Swimming 101, all those fears are illusionary.  And the limits we thought in life, they are illusions no less

Everyday, we are exposed to a perpetual Illusion of what we think life should look like that is portrayed through social media feeds name it, Instagram amongst others.  And when you plug-in the add-ons like all the filters technology offers, what do we have?  PERFECT portraits, selfies with PERFECT backdrops and zoom virtual calls with scenic beaches as our virtual background.

Browse the digital magazines and people are dressed to the 9's.  Even those pestering adverts which litter our social feeds with things we think we want but DON'T have.  All of these layers upon layers of social programming in the matrix.  Not only that we all contribute, participate and add to the programming.  And this illusion creates a perpetual state of dissatisfaction that keeps us buying shit we DON'T need to impress people we DON'T like, whew.  Our default is to feed a voracious and insatiable appetite for more.  Buy, eat, download, and acquire more.  Truth is, illusion is an imagined reality and social construct.  But with enough consumption, it becomes quite easy for us to confuse this illusion with objective reality.  When we envy a life that someone has curated, edited and uploaded, we have bought into the illusion of what we think our lives should look like and overlook that what we're experiencing is a filtered reality.
The illusion of what your life should look like is the ultimate marketing tool and a form of propaganda.  For the longest time, we valued the notions of security and safety.  A good life meant a good job with a steady paycheck.  But when an entire generation watches the one that came before them lose their retirement funds, it's NOT surprising that they DON'T place much value to security.  Some have called millennials an entitled generation because they do things on their own.  But what's happening is NOT just entitlement but a significant cultural value shift.
What throws a 'monkey wrench' to all our discussions is when someone believes that reality is an illusion we all agree on.  Oh to some extent, I agree with this.  If you ask me why most websites or creative projects are successes, my take is that it satisfies our need for our community our need to belong to something.  Lesson here is that illusions are littered all over in our life✅✅✅

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