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Friday, October 21, 2022

How Habits Shape Up

How Habits Shape Up

Back in high school, once I was in a heated but healthy debate with my classmate who insisted that HABITS are inherited and/or replicated from within families.  At one point of our exchange, he did score a point when he amplified that a lazy parent may develop a similarly lazy child.  Or a violent parent will lead a child to be a violent.  So, at one point I did struggle how to counter back what my strong belief How Habits Shape Up

Not until I managed to regroup myself and started to explain that actions repeated over time gradually become HABITS, with a curious life of its own.  Of course, not all HABITS are developed mindfully.  Some HABITS develop unconsciously from internal or external stress.  These tend to be negative or 'maladaptive' HABITS

So, how are HABITS really formed?  That question of HABIT formation canbe approached from a perspective or a more subjective and experiential one.  PASSIVE HABITS arise from exposure to things we eventually get used to whereas ACTIVE HABITS are those we develop by repeated intention and efforts.
HABITS as skills can also be seen as a springboard to creativity.  Based on what we can habitually do, we reach new heights as when a jazz musician ingrains the playing of a basic melody then later improvises new and adventurous notes on top of the original theme.  Let's go back that time when we first learned to tie our shoes, the attempts are quite conscious and effortful.  As you practice this skill, it becomes a HABIT.
Another key aspect to habit formation is positive reinforcement or reward.  For an activity to become a HABIT, it helps if it's NOT only repeated often but also positively reinforced.  For those of us who are stuck [till now?], it shouldn't take too much effort to sit down, soul-search and [MAYBE] face the mirror and once for all, cast out and cast off any of our HABITS that are beating us down, drowning us down.  Time to wake up dude❗❗❗

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