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Thursday, October 6, 2022

Those 'AHA' Moments

Those 'AHA' Moments

Ten [10] years ago, in August 2012 to be exact, Merriam-Webster released their annual list of new dictionary words and at the very top way above 'bucket list' was 'AHA' Moments.    As famous American celebrity Oprah Winfrey explained, 'AHA' Moments as those moments of 'SUDDEN INSPIRATION, iINSIGHT, RECOGNITION or COMPREHENSION.  But let's not talk about Oprah.  Instead, let's look back into our lives.  Surely you had those 'AHA' Moments but the bigger question is, were you aware with those 'AHA' Moments

But the tougher nut to crack here is that the thing about the 'AHA' Moments, you would never thought of it that way before but you can't have those 'AHA' Moments unless you already knew it.  So, the 'AHA' Moments is the remembering of what you already knew, articulated in a way to resonate with your own truth.  So, the 'AHA' Moments isn't somebody teaching you something. Instead, it is somebody helping you to remember.

Do you remember the last time you said "so that's how this works"?  Hold on to that memory because that was an 'AHA' Moment.  To be a little scientific, emotions are the consequences of the chemical messages revealed from our brain through the body.  To cite a relevant example, when we identify or experience something rewarding such such as a notification from Twitter that says 'someone retweeted your post, our brain releases dopamine, oxytocin or serotonin which are the chemicals that make us feel good.

Sometimes, the effects of the feeling are very strong that it drives our behaviors and decision-making.  And those 'AHA' Moments are such moments that make a user decide to employ a product.  In real life, we could have benefitted a lot more from Those 'AHA' Moments.  How?  Firstly, by taking those 'AHA' Moments as the moments to inspire us in our next steps.

On the flip side, what if we simply shrug off our shoulders after having those 'AHA' Moments?  Simple.  Those 'AHA' Moments would have gone to naight because we didn't leverage on that positivity.  What a WASTE.  What a MISS for Those 'AHA' Moment๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š

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