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Wednesday, October 26, 2022

You Could NOT Change What You Were BUT...

 You Could NOT Change What You Were BUT...

Very true indeed. You Could NOT Change What You Were BUT why is this our talking point today?  It's because many of us [even myself sometime in the distant past] thought that we could UNDO what just went through whether it was last week or yesterday.  There are just one too many things in life that we, you, can't just change, no matter how hard you try.  In fact, continuing to beat your head against the wall is NOT effective and worse, painful.  In fact, perseverance and tenacity are only good qualities when the objective you're working so hard to achieve is actually attainable.  There's just a lot in life you just can't change.  
But sometimes, we cannot be solely faulted for attempting in vain to change something in the past because of external factors but hey, you CAN'T please everyone.  Seriously, just STOP it.  Trying to make everyone happy is a thankless and soul-sucking endeavor that will only leave you drained and miserable.  Now, if you're holding a grudge on someone?  That is so futile unless what is you're really after is prolonging your own pain and unhappiness.  If that's what you're after?
Similarly, you CAN'T control what someone else thinks.  You can suggest, demand, implore or you can scream in at the top of your lungs but you CAN'T always change another person's mind.  You CAN'T make anyone like, love or forgive you.  You CAN'T win their respect if they're NOT willing to give it.  You just CAN'T.  And the NOT so difficult thing to do is that YESTERDAY IS OVER.  You just CAN'T get it back.
There are just NO UNDOs, NO REDOs.  Stop dwelling on the past.  You CAN'T change it.  The world around you, you CAN'T change it.  It's nice and inspirational and all to think one person could actually change the world but some things are just bigger than all of us.  You can definitely make a difference in the world around you.  Do keep watch that you're keeping your expectations of the impact you can actually have in check.
Sometimes, we would have LOST something in life.  That could either be material things or even losing someone in a relationship but there's just no way for you to recoup and replace something that is or was LOST because sometimes, the fact is, what's LOST is gone forever.  This is especially true of relationships which may be rekindled BUT trust me, it WON'T BE THE SAME again❗❗❗

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