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Sunday, October 2, 2022

When You Are in 'SCRAMBLE MODE'

When You Are in 'SCRAMBLE MODE'

When was the last you were in 'SCRAMBLE MODE'?  Probably you won't know.  And it's probable you won't know because you were NOT even aware that you were already in 'SCRAMBLE MODE'.  What this means are those times when you make or project yourself to be 'TOUGHER THAN TOUGH'.  You might have heard the U.S. Air Force planes in a 'SCRAMBLE MODE' in the South China Sea.

So, when exactly do we get inclined to go in 'SCRAMBLE MODE'?  Some common scenarios when we tend to go on 'SCRAMBLE MODE' are instances when we are in panic more or panic attack.  Those moments when we feel we are in a 'state of siege', when we tend to feel helpless, when we think we are left with no cards to play.  Often, more as part of huiman nature, to go to 'SCRAMBLE MODE' seems part of our defense mechanism.
When we feel we have 'lost face' for whatever reason, valid or not, we would then go in 'SCRAMBLE MODE' to burnish our facade and project a 'show of force'.  But the question, is going in 'SCRAMBLE MODE' does make sense?  Yes it is if it will give you that legitimate impression.  So the bigger question is, when should we NOT go on 'SCRAMBLE MODE'?

Now, i'd share the instances when we, you should NOT go 'SCRAMBLE MODE' at all.  Firstly, if you re culpable and guilty of something.  Why should you go 'SCRAMBLE MODE'?  Secondly,  if you offended someone, especially your partner/spouse or even your bosses at work.  Thirdly, If you still need to rectify a mistake you've done.  Got to remember that a mistake done CAN'T be undone.  But you can make amends by admitting that it's your fault and most importantly, you are GENUINELY remorseful for what you have wrongly done.  But by being remorseful, it does NOT make sense for you to really go on 'SCRAMBLE MODE' at allπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

So, if at all, how can we avert and avoid being in 'SCRAMBLE MODE'?  First off, DON'T PANIC.  If you do, sometimes, the human reaction is more influenced by emotions rather than what is logically wrong because otherwise, you may end up by doubling things wrongly rather than 'righting the wrong'.  Bottom line, to go 'SCRAMBLE MODE' is only the very last card you can play❗❗❗

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