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Saturday, October 8, 2022



Did You 'ACE THE TEST'? Or were you ever aware in the past that you were about to go through a test, frankly to test your mettle?  Unfortunately, many of us tend to live life casually and passively to the extent that we are totally unaware of particular phases in our life where, not to our choice or liking, we are put to a test, either in school, at work, in our relationship with our partner/spouse or even for entrepreneurs, in the business forays you would get into.

BTW, to 'ACE THE TEST', that's not just happening in the academic space because it can happen any day anywhere.  And those TESTS will happen NOT just to test your skills or capability but it could be to TEST anything within you.  Could be your CHARACTER, your FAITH, your INTEGRITY, your LOYALTY, your PATIENCE, your PERSEVERANCE, your RESILIENCE or even your MENTAL HEALTH.  And the harsh reality in life is that we should and cannot FAIL any of all those tests.  We got to ACE THE TEST.

Regardless of the test you would face in life, never hesitate to ask this post-mortem question:  Did You 'ACE THE TEST'? And assuming you failed the most recent test, that's fine.  By being aware that you failed in the most recent test, that can WAKE YOU UP to shape up because you got to ACE THE TEST.

So how do you 'ACE THE TEST'? Simple.  PREP IT.  ACE IT.  Simply put, prepare for those tests to come and happen.  Not to be pessimistic and ending up haunting you, you need to be fully aware of the CHINKS in your armor because that should trigger you to correct those CHINKS in your armor and ensure you 'PLUG YOUR HOLES' up front.

At the end of the day, you DON'T need to be obsessed to 'ACE THE TEST'.  Just remain focused and steadfast with that singular objective on a consistent basis.  I'll assure you can ACE THE TEST❗❗❗

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