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Monday, October 31, 2022



Today's piece is NOT about Physics but allow me please to take the courtesy of revisiting one of Sir Isaac Newton's Laws of ACTION and REACTION wherein it states that For Every ACTION, There Is A REACTION.  Ok, enough, we won't get in a Physics thread as well but instead, look back into our lives and digest and absorb the truism of Newton's third law right into our life please.

BTW, Karma is the very law of CAUSE and EFFECT.  Your action or way of thinking creates a CAUSE and in time will see and feel the EFFECTS it has in your life.  Your ACTS and THOUGHTS are entirely your responsibility, making your karma entirely your own.  Every one of your thoughts and actions will create an equal and opposite reaction, which is why it is IMPORTANT that you consider things before you COMMIT certain acts and before you wish certain things where for you or for others.

So, basically, WHAT GOES AROUND, COMES AROUND so at hindsight, DON'T send anything out that you would NOT like coming back to you.  Keeping your karma good will assure you a pleasant life. And those times you are short-changed, just retort "NO PROBLEM" when someone cuts in front of you in line.  Take that good karma.

You might wonder, what made this thread our piece today?  Credit it to the NETFLIX docu 'TINDER SWINDLER' I watched today wherein the bogus billionaire SIMON LEVIEV [BTW. he had too many aliases besides this one] threatened each of his victims with this ominous thread, that FOR EVERY ACTION, THERE IS A REACTION.  And this was proven to be 'spot on' in that NETFLIX documentary because his victims collaborated to an extent that he was eventually arrested and incarcerated [but DON'T LET YOUR GUARD DOWN because he served just a few months in prison and now he's back in TINDER].  Nevertheless, let's just get back with our own lives and subscribe to that proven mantra that indeed, FOR EVERY ACTION, THERE IS A REACTION📌📌📌

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