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Friday, October 7, 2022

Deboning Problems

Deboning Problems

Deboning Problems is not far different when we're deboning fish to prepare for a fillet.  It is NEITHER rocket science NOR is it a simple equation like 1+1=2.  Without over-simplifying things, most problems are not complex enough to break us down to our soul and spirit.  Truth is, most problems are an offshoot of our day-to-day living.  And quite often, a minor snag may trigger something that leads to a result that farther leads to another complication that creates a new problem๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š

Much identified closely to fish by affinity, problems are often rightfully resolved by Deboning Problems via the proven technique the old school refers to as FISH BONE ANALYSIS.  It  is a reverse approach to 'debug' a problem by starting to look at it from the surface and from the most obvious levels before you deep-dive on a per step basis๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“˜๐Ÿ“™

Truth is, most of our problems impact us mentally, psychologically, emotionally or a combination thereof.  Sometimes, it tends to torment us no end till we feel that things are spinning around, running in circles around us.  So, the nagging question is does it seem to appear that we humans seem to be swamped with enormous volumes of problems most of the time

It's because during those times of helplessness, we DON'T see, to have the tools + capability to deal with the problem itself.  Instead, we seem to run from end to end like a headless chicken nowhere to go.  So what's the first step towards fixing such a quandary?  First off,calm down and regain composure.  Many of us, in those moments of torment, we tend to lose reason and logic from within.  

 Instead, we should have nothing less than all these interrogatives.  HOW?  WHY?  WHO? These are an integral part of Deboning Problems 101 such that when you either overlook or miss out these basic interrogatives, you will end up seemingly helpless and on the precipice of giving up.  C'mon dude, life was NOT meant for us to give so soon, right❓❓❓

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