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Sunday, October 30, 2022



Not so long ago, who were your FRIENDS?  Surely it's either of the following:  your classmate from way back, your neighbor, your former colleague, the friend of your sibling, the friend of your relative, your regular close contacts in your commercial initiatives, your real estate agent whom you have gotten close.  So, it was hard to fathom if you would have anyone else other than from within that circle whom you will consider as your 'BONAFIDE' friends as it has been traditionally defined across cultures, not until FACEBOOK came into our lives.  Then, FRIENDS got REDEFINED.
When Facebook was first introduced by Mark Zuckerberg way back 2004, it was initially for Harvard students only.  But in 2008, the floodgates suddenly swung wide open.  Anyone AS IN anyone can have that coveted FB account and start collecting FRIENDS from a hundred to thousands and even to millions for the social influencers. But this FB phenomenon just threw a 'MONKEY WRENCH' to our age-old tradition, understanding and even practice of what Friends are really are.  But FB just REDEFINED it, Suddenly, you can be a cave man, a recluse or an introvert but INSTANT FRIENDS can be INSTANT.
And not so long ago, even in the context of the American culture, Friends are indeed friends during the Friday BARBECUE gatherings and during 'Family Day' events.  So, the hardest question is, is there still a glimmer of hope for us to help FRIENDS REDEFINED?  Yesirrrrrrs we have a concrete chance to have these FRIENDS REDEFINED.  So how?
Simple.  Go back to your FB Friends LIST and 'SANITIZE' it pronto, 'CLEANSE' it right now.  How do you SANITIZE & CLEANSE it?  DELETE strangers.  DELETE even people you know but probably made a FRIEND REQUEST just to snoop into your FBDELETE those incognitos.  And do consider DELETING even legit FRIENDS but who seem to be on the 'OTHER SIDE of the FENCE', whew
Why don't we reminisce even our friendship with our pet dogs.  They may be animals but hey, friendship with our pet dogs is as genuine and as legitimate as it can get.  Let's NOT be so CAUGHT UP with the 'REAL NUMBERS' of your FB FRIENDS unless you can assure yourself that you have CLEANSED and SANITIZED your FB FRIENDS LIST so that you will be bereft, divested and devoid of BOGUS, PHONY  and SHAM friends.  You deserve LEGIT ones, no less✅✅✅

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