Today's piece is NOT about Physics but allow me please to take the courtesy of revisiting one of Sir Isaac Newton's Laws of ACTION and REACTION wherein it states that For Every ACTION, There Is A REACTION. Ok, enough, we won't get in a Physics thread as well but instead, look back into our lives and digest and absorb the truism of Newton's third law right into our life please.BTW, Karma is the very law of CAUSE and EFFECT. Your action or way of thinking creates a CAUSE and in time will see and feel the EFFECTS it has in your life. Your ACTS and THOUGHTS are entirely your responsibility, making your karma entirely your own. Every one of your thoughts and actions will create an equal and opposite reaction, which is why it is IMPORTANT that you consider things before you COMMIT certain acts and before you wish certain things where for you or for others.So, basically, WHAT GOES AROUND, COMES AROUND so at hindsight, DON'T send anything out that you would NOT like coming back to you. Keeping your karma good will assure you a pleasant life. And those times you are short-changed, just retort "NO PROBLEM" when someone cuts in front of you in line. Take that good karma.You might wonder, what made this thread our piece today? Credit it to the NETFLIX docu 'TINDER SWINDLER' I watched today wherein the bogus billionaire SIMON LEVIEV [BTW. he had too many aliases besides this one] threatened each of his victims with this ominous thread, that FOR EVERY ACTION, THERE IS A REACTION. And this was proven to be 'spot on' in that NETFLIX documentary because his victims collaborated to an extent that he was eventually arrested and incarcerated [but DON'T LET YOUR GUARD DOWN because he served just a few months in prison and now he's back in TINDER]. Nevertheless, let's just get back with our own lives and subscribe to that proven mantra that indeed, FOR EVERY ACTION, THERE IS A REACTION๐๐๐No one size fits all. That explains why we're here, to share my 2-cents where it's worth it.
Monday, October 31, 2022
Sunday, October 30, 2022
Not so long ago, who were your FRIENDS? Surely it's either of the following: your classmate from way back, your neighbor, your former colleague, the friend of your sibling, the friend of your relative, your regular close contacts in your commercial initiatives, your real estate agent whom you have gotten close. So, it was hard to fathom if you would have anyone else other than from within that circle whom you will consider as your 'BONAFIDE' friends as it has been traditionally defined across cultures, not until FACEBOOK came into our lives. Then, FRIENDS got REDEFINED.And not so long ago, even in the context of the American culture, Friends are indeed friends during the Friday BARBECUE gatherings and during 'Family Day' events. So, the hardest question is, is there still a glimmer of hope for us to help FRIENDS REDEFINED? Yesirrrrrrs we have a concrete chance to have these FRIENDS REDEFINED. So how?
Saturday, October 29, 2022
Too Little Too Late
Too Little Too Late
Indeed, our lives remain colorful despite sometimes, things do become that boring. But sometimes, either we are ahead of the pack and sometimes, we're doing some catch up. Sometimes we exert lesser efforts but we're not in 'catch up' mode whereas sometimes we're in 'catch up' mode but our efforts are just right. Things turn to bad and even worse when, without us realizing it, it is Too Little Too Late. Imagine you are in a 'serious trouble' and you realized by then that you are in that Too Little Too Late situation.Honestly, in life, we end up with so many 'Too Little Too Late' situations but it does NOT seem chronic because each exception seems unique to itself. Like way back in school, you realized your academic grades were not so good and by the time you did a 'catch up', it was the fourth quarter, Too Little Too Late. Or at the workplace, you have been flopping with various misses and miscues and by the time you did a 'catch up', it was Too Little Too Late because performance appraisal time was around the corner and how can you turn things around at that point in time. Or when your relationship was floundering and by the time you did a 'catch up', your partner/spouse just walked out❓❓❓Friday, October 28, 2022
Our Illusions in Life
Our Illusions in Life
Yesirrrrs life is all real but did we realize that we are being swarmed with all shapes and forms of Illusions in Life?!@#$%& and it's unavoidable that even all the kinds of fears and limits we struggle [and live] in life are more illusionary than real. Trust me. For the non-swimmers who till now have yet to acquire Swimming 101, all those fears are illusionary. And the limits we thought in life, they are illusions no lessEveryday, we are exposed to a perpetual Illusion of what we think life should look like that is portrayed through social media feeds name it, Instagram amongst others. And when you plug-in the add-ons like all the filters technology offers, what do we have? PERFECT portraits, selfies with PERFECT backdrops and zoom virtual calls with scenic beaches as our virtual background.
Thursday, October 27, 2022
The Spirit & Intent of a Law
The Spirit & Intent of a Law
This is NOT an advertorial of Singapore, the country where I resided for nine years and who I did embrace when i swore to take my allegiance to Singapore when I acquired the Singaporean citizenship. But instead, I want to trumphet Singapore's justice system because it gets accurately reflected in The Spirit & Intent of its laws.What egged me to have Singapore's justice system as our talking point today was this news dispatch today October 26, 2022 from Channelnews Asia [please click for reference @ Heart warming and heartbreaking indeed when I saw the news dispatch 'MAN CHARGED FOR FAILING TO GIVE PET CAT ENOUGH FOOD AND WATER RESULTING IN ITS DEATH'.Really spell-binding. I realized that there is so much injustice in the Middle East and even in Ukraine and the Crimea and yet, here we are, witnessing Singapore's brand of justice which I am DREAMING [because I'm sure it will remain a PIPE DREAM] to be replicated across because of the very fair justice that is consistently imposed across, regardless of race [especially in a multi-cultural country like Singapore]. I just really envy Singapore JusticeWednesday, October 26, 2022
You Could NOT Change What You Were BUT...
You Could NOT Change What You Were BUT...
Very true indeed. You Could NOT Change What You Were BUT why is this our talking point today? It's because many of us [even myself sometime in the distant past] thought that we could UNDO what just went through whether it was last week or yesterday. There are just one too many things in life that we, you, can't just change, no matter how hard you try. In fact, continuing to beat your head against the wall is NOT effective and worse, painful. In fact, perseverance and tenacity are only good qualities when the objective you're working so hard to achieve is actually attainable. There's just a lot in life you just can't change.
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
That FAKE Photo of REALITY
That FAKE Photo of REALITY
Reality is a given but 'FAKE REALITIES' are all over the place these days, right? When truth should be peddled as truth comes in multifarious shapes and forms. That explains why for today, we'd like to spend time assessing as to why there remains a huge segment in our population who seem to be the PURVEYORS of either half-truths or worse, those FAKE REALITIES in life.Monday, October 24, 2022
Why Many Heists Succeed
Why Many Heists Succeed
Why do many heists succeed to a 'T'? Let me be very crystal clear though. I am NOT here to incite or instigate anything that's sinister-like with regard heists. In fact, we all condemn all kinds of crime and especially heists. BUT here's the BUT. Can we take a leaf from all those heist Netflix movies till to date? Why are these heist movies so stereo-typed such that you would know how the script starts, how it develops including all the twists and turns before voila, the whole plan comes up true to form?Sunday, October 23, 2022
Beautiful Mistakes
Beautiful Mistakes
No sirrrrs, please DON'T get me wrong. I'm NOT pitching the Beautiful Mistakes Billboard hit by the very popular American pop rock band Maroon 5 last year in several virtual concerts despite the pandemic still hovering. But instead, let us discuss why NOT all mistakes are bad. In fact and in truth, a lot of our mistakes are beautiful but on the basis of specific conditions.For many of us, finding out that we made a mistake can feel like a threat to our self-identity. When that happens, we're likely to act out in ways that undermine us even more such as arguing or blaming others, withdrawing or digging in our heels [which smacks of a hardliner]. So, before you are viewed as either WRONG and arrogant, aloof or unaccountable, you need to get ahead of the situation. You'll want to talk with whomever you may have impacted your decision.
Saturday, October 22, 2022
How Do You FEEL GOOD About Yourself
How Do You FEEL GOOD About Yourself
Happy weekend. I thought our piece today should be relatively light so I'd start off by asking as to How Do You FEEL GOOD About Yourself? You might ask why is this question worth our time today? Yes folks because you DON'T need to look far. Get back to yourself. When was the last time you blamed yourself? When were you ever harsh to yourself? Remember that time you passed the buck back to you simply because things went awry when things didn't come true to form?
Dismissing negative thoughts and staying open to other ideas can help guide one's life in a positive direction. To handle disappointment, it's helpful to learn to process one's feelings then take some kind of action. Humans will always bump heads, that's for sure. They key is to respond instead of react. There will be days that will be better than others. On those days that go less well, we usually end up being hard on ourselves. So how do we go about all these? First, KEEP GOING. Don't let life's changes throw you off track but remember that most extenuating circumstances are temporary. Gain more clarify by staying the course.
Second, TRUST YOURSELF. Believe in your inner resources no matter what and you'll grow from that experience. I believe that the answers usually lie within and you are probably smart enough to figure out what you need to do. Give yourself a little time and have patience. Third, BE FRIENDS WITH LIFE. Remember that that world is not out to get you and it does NOT punish you. You do that to yourself and learn to focus on other opportunities or in another direction can give you some perspective.Fourth, WATCH YOUR THOUGHTS. Your thinking will be 100 percent positive. You must learn to dismiss the negative thoughts and stay open to other ideas that will help you move in a positive direction. Start recognizing negative thoughts and use your mind to quell them. Fifth, SUMMON YOUR STRENGTH. Learn to access and direct your strengths to the highest good. Always believe that your strength and intelligence can help you deal with anything.Sixth, DON'T WANT TOO MUCH. As humans, our desires are unsatiable [to the extent that we are driven to become greedy]. Desire can be a powerful motivating tool that wanting something too much can be very painful and very expensive, so DON'T live beyond your means or covet whatever that is unattainable. Seek your desire but KEEP YOUR INTEGRITY. Lastly, recognize that disappointment is PART OF LIFE. Even the most successful people have to deal with disappointment but they have learned how to use it to get to the next level Better to FEEL GOOD About Yourself❗❗❗
Friday, October 21, 2022
How Habits Shape Up
How Habits Shape Up
Back in high school, once I was in a heated but healthy debate with my classmate who insisted that HABITS are inherited and/or replicated from within families. At one point of our exchange, he did score a point when he amplified that a lazy parent may develop a similarly lazy child. Or a violent parent will lead a child to be a violent. So, at one point I did struggle how to counter back what my strong belief How Habits Shape UpNot until I managed to regroup myself and started to explain that actions repeated over time gradually become HABITS, with a curious life of its own. Of course, not all HABITS are developed mindfully. Some HABITS develop unconsciously from internal or external stress. These tend to be negative or 'maladaptive' HABITS. So, how are HABITS really formed? That question of HABIT formation canbe approached from a perspective or a more subjective and experiential one. PASSIVE HABITS arise from exposure to things we eventually get used to whereas ACTIVE HABITS are those we develop by repeated intention and efforts.
Straight from my thought processes...
Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs!
Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs! True, the world we live in is made up of opposites. LIke hot-cold, sweet-sour, males-females, and the list ...

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