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Thursday, July 22, 2021

Who Are You With ?

Who Are You With ?

More than the celebrity status of Oprah Winfrey, I'd like to quote here, "SURROUND YOURSELF WITH ONLY PEOPLE WHO ARE GOING TO LIFT YOU HIGHER".  Folks, this is no sales pitch but instead, this is a 'WAKEUP CALL' to everyone of us [including myself] to never stop associating ourselves with people who are, in the shortest words possible, MUCH BETTER THAN US.

Let me qualify though.  You just don't shoot for the moon and contact Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg because frankly, they are in a much different league.  And in the U.S. academe, they might say they come from the Ivy League whereas you might trace your roots to a Division III or IV school.  Instead, if you're aiming to explore for a decent overseas job, associate yourself with someone else's with a similar goal.  If you're into Fintech, find someone into Fintech.  If you're more into something on literary front, there should be someone with similar aspirations.

One thing for sure, DON'T and DON'T keep yourself in a cocoon.  GET OUT OF YOUR SHELL.  Are you shying away from positive interactions ?  If so, then you likely have a serious problem at hand because you can't be on your own, regardless of your competencies now.  I have seen and met talented people but who, years later, I learnt that their good run in life got stalled or tha run went wayward.  Why? It's because a lot of the talented folks around commit the most serious mistake in life.  That of believing so much in themselves to the point that they thought they can be on their own and associating with anyone else better than him is a no-no because of his ego.

Let's share here some words of wisdom from Billionaire American Warren Buffet who strongly espouses that we associate with people WHO ARE MUCH BETTER IN SKILLS and WILL TAKE YOU FAR in LIFE.  His tidbits of wisdom:

Bluntly, if you're a smoker and you wanna stop it, NEVER be with smokers.  If you're into gambling and you want to get out of it, why associate yourself with casino-goers ?  If you tend to have that 'LAZY DOG' habit day-in day-out, why spend time with similar 'LAZY DOGS' ?  If you loathe unnecessary kibitzing because it leads to wasted and unproductive time, why will you continue to associate yourself with intruders, kibitzers, meddlers and those nosey folks?  It takes a strong-willed persona to really discipline himself and cracking the whip to remind myself that hey, I just wanna "SURROUND YOURSELF WITH ONLY PEOPLE WHO ARE GOING TO LIFT YOU HIGHER"✅

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