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Friday, July 16, 2021

Don't Wait for the Dam to Burst

Don't Wait for the Dam to Burst

This piece is not into geographical or spatial but more to run an analogy of those monstrous dams vis-a-vis our own lives. The infrastructure of dams were built for the long haul, enough to withstand even the worst scenarios related to AOG [Acts of God].  But in life, the expectations for us oustretch the longevity of all dams combined.

And no one would ever want to see the dams to burst.  We just cant fathom the enormous damage around us but that's another story for another day.  What's analogous to dams is our very own life.  As problems are part and parcel of our daily lives, it will be scary if when we are all burdened with just too much problems, as to how far we can grapple with our problems, it's for us to summon all our 'never surrender' trait.

The 'mother of all worst' things to come is this:  when we ourselves are running away from our problems because running away from it will never solve or close out our problems.  In fact, the same problems will linger and pester us until and unless we really get it closed. More than this, problems do get compounded, very much akin to interests of unpaid financial liabilities     herein penalties will overlap penalties.

Most common dilemma we share across all walks in life.  Problems get compounded.  Problems pile up.  Problems proliferate.  And before we know it, we are gasping for oxygen because we have fallen below our survival threshold.  Lesson here ?  Never let problems get compounded and never let them pile up, not for any reason.
More often, it's a domino-effect thing but all of it could have started with you having just one solitary problem.  Then it became two, then three, and so on.  Before you know it, problems were all over the place.  Why can problems get out of hand ?  C'mon, folks. STOP procrastinating and START prioritizing.  When there are one too many to prioritize at hand, go back to basic before tons of thoughts can overwhelm us, when things become so messy.❗❗❗

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