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Thursday, July 1, 2021

When the Mask Falls Off

 When the Mask Falls Off

We all got it wrong when we all thought that MASKS were introduced into our lives only during this year-long pandemic !  Would you agree that MASKS are as old as our oldest generations of ancestors ?  MASKS were wrongly thought that these were introduced into our lives only when we got this pandemic outbreak.  No sirs, let me tell you why.

In life, we do all have our 'TRUE COLORS' but the reality is that we don't tend to show our 'TRUE COLORS'.  Instead, for multifarious reasons triggered by our self-serving agenda in life, we tend to cloak it, shield it, cover it, mask it so that what comes out is what we want the people to see [regardless if that is NOT your REAL YOU].

And this valid problem tends to be a concern for us all because this shoots down the cliche 'WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET'.  In the end, that cliche becomes a figment of our imagination because what we see may not be the true picture of things.  And this is self-defeating whether at your home or at your workplace.  Not being your 'TRUE YOU', this is a manifestation of being deceiving and deceptive all rolled into one.

Oh i like this poster because I very much aligned to this page.  When you hit 'rock bottom', when you are in tatters, when you are at your worst, look around you and see for yourself who's still there to support you at your lowest point ? DON'T get me wrong though.  We're NOT implying that the people closest to you will turn their backs on you at that point in time but there is a high probability that some of the people whom you thought to be 'close enough' to you will, in the end, compromise their true colors to show how genuine are they there for you.

Thing is, enough of this charade.  Be genuine.  Be true, whether it's to yourself to everyone else around you. Be genuine.  Be transparent.  Be true.  Be what you are.  If there's someone whom you're not keen to support right from Day-1, DON'T DOUBLESPEAK.  DON'T offer one cheek and then turn the other cheek when you opt to swing your swivel chair.  That will get you no farther than where you stand now.  And if you got a phalanx of masks in your life, dump it all because all those masks will wear you down till your guilt, if this still exists, will stop you from putting on any of those masks [AGAIN].  Just stop the charade.

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