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Saturday, July 17, 2021

The Way to the Top is 'CONGESTED'

 The Way to the Top is 'CONGESTED'

Pictures DON'T lie. Who says the zenith is a deserted spot to go?  From afar, it looks like a 'NO FLY' Zone but climb over all to the 'top of the top' of Mount Everest and you would see that it's heavily congested, with climbers literally inching their way and endeavoring to inch their foot forward because it's the only proven way for you to get to the 'top of the 'top' of the world.
Climbing to the top, achieving the goals you have been nursing through is no mean feat because you could even set foot atop, the roads you trekked is littered with bodies and bodies of casualties, those who stumbled and really ran out of gas.  And BTW, in these times where everything is INSTANT from instant noodles to instant messaging, climbing up may take years and EVEN decades.  So, this is no overnight trek.  You don't pack up tonight and be there tomorrow.  BEEN THERE, DONE THAT.  It's an arduous and equally strenuous task to say the least.  And do you wanna know its 'icing on the cake' ?  Yesssss sireee.  Rivers of tears and sweat.  Deep thresholds of pain and frustration.  And to top it all, tons and tons of sacrifices that will lead you to scrape the bottom no less.
For around 90% of the stretches, it will be long, lonely and desolate climb where your only lifelines are yourself, yourself and yourself.  Not even your family.  Not even your closest friends.  Your external support structure can only help you so much but at the end of the day, it's you who needs to grind and grind the hardest.  If need be, kick your ass damn hard [pardon the hyperbole].

Not to despair though.  Life is not that brutally damn hard.  While you will have your 'pain points', there will be markers along the way, pointing you to your way to 'Mount Everest'.  But that's about it. Here's the catch. It will tell you WHERE the direction is but it WON'T and WON'T tell you HOW to reach 'atop the world'.  It's for you to figure things out because that's what is expected from us.  Every single thing in life is hard-earned
Here's the caveat though.  IF [and that's a big 'IF'] you manage to reach the top, let's set expectations here.  You'll be there so that you can see the world [and NOT the other way around].  In real life, many of us get drunk with success.  After savoring the fruits of one's labor, you get into frenzied celebrations that will end up only when the coffers have dried up.  LONG LIVE the 'short lived' success.  Let's move to the next goal post please.✅✅✅

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