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Friday, July 30, 2021

Butterflies in our Stomach

Butterflies in our Stomach

How many times have we experienced being either anxious or nervous [for whatever reasons]?  Likely we have experienced it many many times uttering, 'I GOT BUTTERFLIES IN MY STOMACH'.  And that's fine.  What is not fine is we leave things that way when instead, we should have sat down and ponder not why it happened but rather, COULD YOU HAVE HANDLED IT IN A MUCH BETTER WAY ?  Being nervous has always a human element embedded but would have it been possible to be LESS nervous?
Come to think of it, in 90% of our real life scenarios, we get nervous NOT because of the situation but rather it should be faulted back to us.  For a student taking the exams come next day, did you 'burn the midnight oil' reviewing ?  For a worker, was your output 100% ZERO-DEFECT, 100% WITHIN SPECS and SUBMITTED WITHIN TIME-FRAME ?  if you're an entrepreneur, how's your financials ? Is your cash flow sufficient for the next payroll and other operational costs ? Likely, you're 'in the red'.
Besides NERVOUSNESS causing those butterflies in your stomach, think of those moments of FEAR and ANXIETY.  How well did you anticipate something imminently unfavorable but you just looked the other way.  Been there, done that.  That faux pas wherein an upcoming problem is about to explore right in your face yet rather than plan for a 'damage control', you literally ignore its coming by looking at the other side of things.  FEAR and ANXIETY are not life-threatening challenges that leaves you paralyzed.
These are all 'off the shelf' antidotes.  FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN CHANGE.  Means, take action on what is within your control.  DISSECTING things to figure out what's really bothering you.  DIVERT on thoughts and things that will mean less anxiety.  And of course, take a deep breathe and if you're into yoga, those solitary moments are shots in your arms.
Or you could be in the midst of things, caught within the crossroads and stalled in the middle.  Sounds familiar.  Been there.  Done that.  How did I get over that hump?  I sat down, scribbled a "T" column, listing all the upsides of one particular decision and its downsides.  Thereafter I did a compare and simply put, if the upsides did outweigh the downsides, it becomes a no-brainer. If it becomes a close call, then it becomes a judgment call.  In a nutshell, YOU GOT TO TAKE A STANDNEVER BE A FENCE-SITTER because you'll lose by default.  Believe me, dude.❗❗❗

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