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Friday, July 2, 2021

Fanning the Flames

Fanning the Flames

Fires are everywhere but for this piece, we don't intend to cover those fires reported to the NYFD or LAFD.  We're more concerned with the 'burning fires' in conflicts between us humans, either in our homes, in our workplaces, in our local communities.  within countries or even between two or more countries.  Why can't those 'fires' just dissipate in thin air after awhile ?  Instead, why is it so much of these 'fires' actually worsen over time ?

How often have we seen conflicts a.k.a. 'fires' are pre-empted prematurely even before it gets aflame?  Very rare in fact and in truth.  Instead, when there is an initiator or instigator of a conflict, the other protagonist will immediately pick up that challenge by taking things head-on in a brazen and daring stance at that.  As the old cliche goes, 'IT TAKES 2 TO TANGO'.  And indeed, the truth can't be farther when it comes to conflicts.  All it takes is for someone to ignite a friction and voila, that sparks off the conflct that very likely blows up to untold proportions until it becomes unmanageable.

Instead, we see taunting all over the place.  Everyone is more than eager to pick up a fight.  A stark reality anywhere in the world are those scenarios when the 'mob takes over'.  That 'HERD MENTALITY' just shows its ugly head when groups are about to collide head-on.  When the irrational ones take over, it becomes a 'mob rule' wherein the rule of the mob prevails.  And this is when the military organizations of some countries are dragged into wars that drag on.

Question is, why are the Buddhist monks so revered ?  It's because they 'walk the talk'.  When anger creeps in a conflict, they DON'T BITE THE BAIT.  They DON'T fight fire with fire.  Instead, what characterizes their handling of conflicts is founded by a cool and tempered approach.  And throughout the duration of a conflict, prayers and self-reflection eat up much of their time till the conflict gets resolved.

What then are the culprits of unresolved conflicts ?  Not too many though.  Firstly, it is NOT recognizing the existence of a conflict.  Many of us tend to ignore even that conflict that has blown up right in our face.  Where both protagonists do agree that a conflict exists, instead of mediation and reconciliation, aggression, sheer ego and wanton pride tend to prevail until the conflict drags and worsens.  What's our fix ?  THERE'S NO PLACE FOR YOUR EGO and PRIDE.❗❗❗

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