Are You Getting Antsy ?
Are You Getting Antsy ? Getting agitated. Getting anxious. Or just being fidgety or restless. These are some of our common behaviors which only seems to have exacerbated by this long-drawn pandemic. Unfortunately, we should not just ignore our very own behaviors that could be symptomatic of a problem.Fixing an issue has always been a must-do but our problem arises if we ourselves won't even recognize and accept that we got a problem to fix. If we still accept things as normal yet they DON'T seem normal, then we have a problem. But question, what's like being antsy ? Hmmmmm, regardless whether you are a student or a worker now working from home, if there are moments when you feel 'edgy', that feeling that you're seating at the edge of your seat, those behaviors when you become fidgety or restless, those are behaviors that could be symptomatic of a problem. Indeed, we ourselves have become collateral damage of the technologies that have sprouted so fast, redefining how information flows at a lightning quickened pace. Unfortunately, we can't blame technology because we embraced it with no qualms, unbeknownst to us that there will be moment when we'll become ANTSY, sometimes, all because of technology. Either too much information is flowing or because of the dopamine effect, we kept and kept waiting for likes in our post which is coming in, only in trickles.Understanding that feeling of anxiety is the way to go because it could be triggered by common causes like EXCESSIVE WORRYING, or your nervous system goes in OVERDRIVE manifested via racing pulse, sweaty palms, shaky hands and even dry mouth. Restless? It could point to an anxiety disorder. Or just being easily fatigued is another symptom of a potential disorder. When these manifestations seem to be surfacing, 'nip things in the bud'. Pre-empt things. How ? As this poster goes, KEEP GOING. LOOK AHEAD. STAY POSITIVE. And lastly, DO ALL YOU CAN. To quote Chinese self-made billionaire Jack Ma, WORK HARD TO PROVE YOURSELF. And if there is ocean-wide difference between us versus the success stories like Larry Page, et al, it's that they never exploring things. And once they have explored, their comfort zone gets expanded. Can we follow their path ?✅✅✅No one size fits all. That explains why we're here, to share my 2-cents where it's worth it.
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