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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

DON'T be What You ARE NOT

DON'T be What You ARE NOT

It's just human we want to be nice but there's a caveat there.  You gotta be WHAT YOU ARE and not WHAT YOU ARE NOT.  If you wanna be nice yet you end up NOT as NOT WHAT YOU ARE, that is self-defeating and likely will boomerang back to you with its consequences and ramifications.  After all, TO BE NICE is NOT the 'BE ALL'.  That's not the end result but instead, it's how you genuinely and honestly handled a situation regardless if you will end up not being nice because we gotta call a spade a spade.

Now we have a problem.  What could be the tell tale signs that you are becoming NOT WHAT YOU ARE.  WHEN you're too familiar with the feeling of sadness.  WHEN you're always running out of time.  WHEN you have difficulty trusting people.  WHEN you have some issues even with yourself.  WHEN you always feel life is boring.  WHEN you feel remorseful or guilty as an afterthought.  

Oh, I like this PRETZEL quote from Karen Salmansohn, an American author with over two million books sold to date.  Karen says:  DON'T TWIST YOURSELF TO FIT INTO WHO YOU THINK PEOPLE WANT YOU TO BE - JUST TO MAKE THEM HAPPY - WHICH THEN MAKES YOUR SOUL ALL TWISTY-LIKE.  BE WHO YOU ARE.  ACCEPT & LOVE ALL YOUR QUIRKY ASPECTS.  MAKE YOUR SOUL HAPPY.  DON'T BE A PRETZEL.  BE YOUR WHOLE ENCHILADA.  Hmmm, very well said.  To capsulize, DON'T twist yourself to be WHAT YOU ARE NOT.
So how do we go about all these ?  To quote Oprah Winfrey, first things first, KNOW WHO YOU ARE.  Unless and until you can figure out your TRUE YOU, things will never move forward because everything takes off from you yourself.  Once you know four-square your REAL YOU, stick to it.  Few basic NO-NOs: firstly, DON'T be a FARCE.  Secondly, DON'T be part of a CHARADE.  Thirdly, DON'T manifest or express something that is not reflective of your genuine side  because that will create a domino-effect of misalignment, distortion and everything that becomes UNTRUE.  As this poster goes, JUST BE WHO YOU WANT TO BE and NOT WHAT OTHERS WANT TO SEE.
Exactly.  BE YOU, no less and no more than that.  And it's not for you to adjust.  Instead, it should be everyone around you who should adjust over to you.  End results may not come out as what we want but by being genuine and true.  Instead, things will surface out as not acceptable to others but by being your TRUE YOU, you will be saved from carrying on that burden of carrying and living a facade that is not your REAL YOU.  Unless you get this message loud and clear, I'm afraid you're not getting anywhere as you're not doing the right things.  You just gotta RIGHT the WRONG.✅✅✅

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