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Saturday, July 24, 2021

Are You in a 'FOGGY STATE' ?

 Are You in a 'FOGGY STATE' ?

Are you in a 'FOGGY STATE' ?  Yes, I've been in that 'FOGGY STATE' several times in the past.  And everywhere of us does go into that ordeal, that state wherein your ability to think coherently seems to get impaired, that state when you feel either confused or you're just struggling to translate your thoughts into words and action. In the recent years, we witnessed the fatal crashes of that helicopter flying the late Kobe Bryant and that Saratoga Piper plane of the late JFK Jr.

Good news though.  BRAIN FOG is not a medical condition.  It's a result of various conditions, amongst others, e.g. if you're going through medications, if you have that chronic fatigue in you, if you're into depression, if you're sleeping hours is not consistently sufficient [i.e. go for at least 7-9 hrs of sleep] and there are medical conditions that 

could trigger BRAIN FOG, e.g. multiple sclerosis [p.s. half the people with MS have issues with memory and attention] and chemotherapy [as cancer treatment uses strong drug and by itself, cancer can cause BRAIN FOG if the cancer has affected the brain.   Why are we sharing these common causes of BRAIN FOG ?  Well, it just makes sense what triggers it so we can find a workaround because that needs to be fixed.

In real-life terms, when we're in a 'FOGGY STATE', it could be tell-tale signs that we have an adversity at hand or something imminent is bound to happen.  What do we do then ?  First and foremost, we gotta recognize that we are in that 'FOGGY STATE'.  And from thereon, ask ourselves what could be triggering it because we got to correct that and swing for a turnaround.
Everything could be crystal clear but if you're in that 'FOGGY STATE', you;ll be in a suspended state where things may not be stalled but when something happens, it will be detrimental to you.  Bottom-line, let's extricate ourselves out of this cauldron and aim for a lucid state where we'll be cogent, coherent and comprehensible.  Please do that QUICK FIX asap today, not tomorrow.❗❗❗

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