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Friday, July 23, 2021

Half-baked or Half-cooked ?

 Half-baked or Half-cooked ?

 Half-baked or half-cooked ? Only in our food and baking preferences, PLEASE.  Not in our life though.  Life is fairly simple and straightforward.  It's either here or there.  Either you make it or NOT.  Either you SUCCEED or FAIL.  Either you achieve something or NOT.  Either you get the nod of your bosses or stakeholders or NOT.  Either you win the deal or NOT.  Even in professional boxing, while there are drawn fights, that doesn't settle the score.  Instead, they go for a return bout or even end up with a trilogy.    
For our TO DO List, the same thing runs true.  And this is where our favorite friend from 'that other side of the fence' named PROCRASTINATION creeps back to us.  That friend/advisor will keep whispering gently through your ears to "TAKE IT EASY" or 'NO NEED TO RUSH" or just "TAKE YOUR TIME".  That's until things become UNEASY.  Until things become RUSHED  Until TIME is TAKEN AWAY from you.  At times, we would even use the weather as a 'VALID EXCUSE' like 'OH, I'LL DO THIS TOMORROW BECAUSE IT'S RAINING NOW'... till tomorrow comes and the rains become heavier because the weather disturbance has now been confirmed as a typhoon, WHEW !
In truth, our life is fairly switch, much akin to a switch.  Either you turn it OR or OFF.  There's no mid-switch.  Even the roads and highways are either northbound or southbound, eastbound or westbound.  That explains why both directions are separated by either concrete islands, barriers or for a two-way road, a middle-of-the-road marker.  That's all there is to it.  Guess WHO/WHAT is the most favorite excuse and alibi these days ?  Yesirrrreeeee, a lot of tasks get stalled or waylaid because of this pandemic, like 'I'LL DO THIS WHEN THIS PANDEMIC IS OVER".  Helllllll no !  What if this takes years ???
In school or at work or even in our relationships, it's either you are PASSED or FAILED in your academic grades.  It's either you are POSITIVELY or NEGATIVELY recognized by your bosses.  In your relationships, it's either HEALTHY or NOT.  BTW, if the health of your relationship now is somewhere 50 now, you gotta wake up, do something drastic to turn around things.  Else, very shortly, that 50 will become a BIG FAT ZERO. So folks, this is all that matters.  At the end of the day, you're either a WINNER or a LOSER and a lot of it hinges on YOU.
So, what and where is our 'ace card'?  It is spelled A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E no less.  But before we dissect everything about ATTITUDE, let's agree that ATTITUDE FORMATION is so critical as it refers to a set of emotions, beliefs and behaviors which could be often the result of our experiences or even our upbringing.  In the end, ATTITUDE has a such powerful influence over our BEHAVIOR.  But again, while ATTITUDEs are enduring, they can change and evolve.  So, let's not go for HALF-BAKEDs or HALF-COOKs 📌📌📌

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