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Wednesday, July 7, 2021

The DIFFICULT Right Versus EASY Wrongs

The DIFFICULT Right Versus EASY Wrongs

We all live in a highly conflicted world.  There are always two sides of a coin, two sides of the vinyl record. two sides of the fence.  Fact is, much as we want consensus building, there can never be any consensus in every single decision point we want to reach.  There will always be two opposing forces whispering through your ears, each one persistent to win you over.

This explains why even in healthy discussions, we will always witness and see someone playing the "devil's advocate" role, which is very fine.  At the end of the day, there can't be an impasse or a deadlock because there has to be a victor and a vanquished as well.  When we are in RIGHT versus WRONG crossroads, the challenge is how to worm your way such that you end up making the RIGHT rather than the WRONG decision.  The bigger challenge is sifting through all the iota of information such that you will end up with the right decision.
But the biggest question that stomps us is this.  Why the hell we as humans, collectively end up with more WRONGS than RIGHTS ?  Simple.  It's because the WRONGS can be reached or done in an EASY and sometimes EFFORTLESS manner.  Whereas the RIGHT ?  You got to piece together all iota of information, validate it, separate the practical vs the impractical, the the ethical vs the unethical.  The RIGHT probably entails 10x the effort needed by the WRONGs.  Mind you, a lot of our WRONGS happened effortlessly, regrettably.

More often, we tend to lose our way simply because of those two letters that distinguish FACT versus FAKE.  This explains why sometimes [or rather often times], we take on the FAKE ones as FACTs.  And when we use those invalid facts a.k.a. FAKEs as the basis of our decisions in life, we will end up on the wrong side of things.  Why then it's easier for the WRONGs and difficult for the RIGHTS ?  Easy.  

Because you need to exert very little, if at all, effort to make a WRONG decision.  To make a RIGHT decision, it takes due diligence and tons and tons of effort to come up with the RIGHT decision.  And yet, there seems to be more WRONGs than RIGHTs in our lives.  What can explain that statistical improbability ?  It's that peer group pressure, that herd mentality.  If everyone is taking one path, it becomes a no-brainer for most of us.  To cap it all, I'd like to quote this colorful poster which says: "WRONG is WRONG, EVEN IF EVERYONE is DOING IT... whereas, RIGHT is RIGHT, EVEN IF NO ONE IS DOING IT".

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