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Saturday, July 31, 2021

Find Your SPARK and Bring that SPARK to LIFE

Find Your SPARK and Bring that SPARK to LIFE

Who doesn't need 'SPARKS' in life ?  Everyone does and it becomes our very helpline but before we even dilly-dally about this helpline, we need to agree that there are points in our life when the days seem so hard and gruelling, those points in time when and where you're literally struggling, seemingly at the edge of the cliff.

Before anything else, even when at times we seem to have lost our 'sharpness', we still need to be sharp enough to detect the tell-tale signs that we have lost that SPARK in life.  DEPRESSION and ANXIETY are the most common major triggers but there is a long list of the possible triggers.  At the end of the day, you need to figure out when your 'LIFE SEEMS LIFELESS'.

You could be a voracious reader but one day, you might notice that you're struggling to read [even if you seem to do your darn best].  You could be a student who started the academic term 'running and sprinting' until you reached a point where anything about your academics just sucks.  You just wanna damp it off.

So here you go.  You don't even have to consult for counselling as long as you discern any of these things that seem symptomatic of you losing your SPARK:  You tend to be CYNICAL.  You feel to RUN AWAY.  You're MESSING UP even normal tasks.  You seem TIRED frequently.  You seem DISGRUNTLED.  You keep SELF-DOUBTING yourself and many times you're SICK !  

What then do we do next ?  Simple.  Let's IGNITE our SPARK.  Anything and everything that needs to go full throttle needs to be IGNITED.  First off though, you need to appreciate that's going on in your life, even the seemingly bad ones.  How ?  By telling yourself that THINGS COULD'VE BEEN WORSE ?  Then, do CHALLENGE all of your irrational thoughts.  Find something you can do FOR YOURSELF, everyday.  Lastly, commit to yourself that you're here to catch your second wind and you're COMMITTED FOR THE LONG HAUL.  Translate these rah-rahs into action and you'll go full throttle.✅✅✅

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