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Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The Beginning is Always the 'HARDEST PART'

The Beginning is Always the 'HARDEST PART'

Who says the beginning is the easiest part ?  Who claims that you can just coast along at the beginning? Who declares that he hardly sweat at the beginning?  If at all, all of those statements are fallacies.  Yet, by no fault from us, people around us who are more our influencers are giving us the wrong signals, the wrong cue.  Not to blame them though.  Most of the influencers who'd reassure us to take things easy because the beginning is that easy, they can't be faulted because they simply want to egg us to motivate us.  They wanna see us to take off from the starting line because they wanna see us move forward.
We don't have to look farther.  Just look around us.  Ask our parents and immediate relatives, how did they start off in life.  They barely had anything to start with.  Barely a chair, barely a furniture or fixture, barely the basic drinks we need everyday.  Everyone starts from ground zero.  And if you start off at a snail's pace, can you anticipate how long it will take a new couple to finally come up with a simple house equipped with at least the very basics ?  It could take them years unless they exert efforts ten-fold.

Look no farther than the babies in our own families.  They all struggled every step of the way.  They tumbled.  They tripped.  They fell flat on their face countless times.  But after all the sweat and frustrations, we have seen babies finally running around on their own feet, and it's heartwarming, right?  Move over to the budding entreprs.  They could have tons and tons of financial chest to invest in a startup business but it takes more than just $$$.

But hold on.  Even assuming your coffers are overflowing, more than enough for the seed capital, all your talent and wealth may not be enough.  The major giants today all trace back their startup stories to successful tandems like MICROSOFT's Bill Gates and Paul Allen, GOOGLE's Larry Page and Sergey Brin. APPLE's Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, TWITTER's Evan Williams and Biz Stone, eBAY's Pierre Omidyar and Jeffrey Skoll.  We could go on and on.

Have you tried biking and you had to inject an unusual dose of energy within the first couple of pedals ?  Have you seen vehicles with the engines doubly working the hardest when on the first and second gears before they go full throttle ?  How about the ships, before they sail off, their engines work multiple more cycles before they steamroll !  And have we seen the NASA Rockets, at least on footage, when they get launched at the Houston launching pad, they burn thousands of liters of fuel before they fly on cruising mode ?  Back to the human race, we're never far different from the bikes, the cars, ships and the rockets.  Gotta kick our butts harder folks at the start, c'mon.

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