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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Trust The Process

Trust The Process

Question:  Anyone PATIENT in the room now?  Unfortunately, many of us DON'T really practice or manifest PATIENCE.  We order a McDonalds meal via mobile apps.  Presto, in 30 to 60 minutes, we'll get it even without leaving home.  That's really how to Trust The Process.  Problem is, because of all these mobile apps facilitating, everything SEEMS immediate.  We just expect things immediately.  Otherwise, something is WRONG.  And if we DON'T see it, it must NOT be there.  Problem is, WHAT you see OR DON'T see is hardly ever the whole picture.  Our vision tends to be limited.  Our eyes AREN'T a reliable source of truth, unfortunately📘📙📗

Problem is, we're blind to the reality of things.  We tend to fixate on the wrong things because we expect to see the fruition of WHAT we do within a given timeframe.  The thing is, we DON'T reap in the same season we sow.  And the price we pay for this is we tend to allow DOUBT and DISBELIEF to creep in.  We then become fearful and begin to lose faith and eventually, WHAT happens next is we GIVE UP📌📌📌

Now, let's take an analogy with the bamboo where, for its first 4 years, it's building its foundations via its roots.  And if we DON'T see the shoots after quite sometime, that's enough [?] for us to believe that that seed is dead [?] OR we end up deducing something went wrong and then, we GIVE UP.  Analogy here is that the bigger the building, the deeper the foundations.  The taller the tree, the deeper the roots.  In essence, you CAN'T trust WHAT you see OR DON'T see.  In fact, studies show that 90 percent of the time, there's more to see, OR, you just CAN'T see WHAT you need to.  Thing is, you only REAP AFTER YOU SOW.  So, you might ask, is it worth to TRUST THE PROCESS?  The short and long answer there is, IT DEPENDS.  WHAT are you trying to grow?  Our lessons in life tell us that your expectations have to be relative and proportional to your desired outcome.  The development time is proportional to the size of the output💦💦💦

As an analogy again, if you want to grow a patch of grass, then fine.  You DON'T need to do much, right?  DON'T expect it to take too long.  BUT you CAN'T have the same expectations if you want to grow an oak tree.  To make things simple, if you want to build a tent, expect it to take between 10 to 30 minutes, assuming you have all the needed equipments and accessories.  BUT you got to remember that that tent CAN'T and WON'T withstand the fury of a storm [or even a heavy rain, I guess].  Rain OR cold, it's NOT even a long-term solution.  And if you want a long-term solution, you know a brick house is best BUT it will take 100 times the effort and time to finish💧💧💧

Our takeaway:  There is NO perfect thing beyond dreams.  If you want to cook a meal to satisfy your hunger, yes, pronto, that microwave food is the best option.  BUT better be forewarned that that food will NOT taste nice enough OR be as healthy as a home cook meal [which obviously needs more investment in terms of time and energy to cook and prepare it]. Bottomline, ask yourself, do you want a patch of grass OR an oak tree?  A short-term tent OR a long-term house?  A frozen pizza will be quicker.  BUT a home-cooked meal will taste much better.  WHAT this tells us is that substantial things in life take time.  It takes time to learn a new instrument and even decades to master a craft.  Thing is, let us TRUST THE PROCESS, no less than that💥💥💥

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Straight from my thought processes...

Trust The Process

Trust The Process Question:  Anyone PATIENT in the room now?  Unfortunately, many of us DON'T really practice or manifest PATIENCE .  We...

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