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Sunday, October 20, 2024

Are People Better Than You?

Are People Better Than You?

Are People Better Than You?  Oh Oh, c'mon dude.  IF and WHEN we start thinking of others as better than us, our immediate NEXT STEP is to act in order to stop that chain of thought, period.  BUT hey, if we compare ourselves to others, we will [likely] come up short every time if we are in a NEGATIVE thought cycle.  Yes, it's that easy to get caught up in those feelings of inadequacy because it feels like there's always someone better out there doing something much better than we do and than we areπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Yes, we got to remember THAT WHAT you see does reflect you.  WHEN it comes to the way we see others, there are a lot of factors at play here.  It's important to remember that everyone is a mirror in many ways.  The fact that you can see the happiness and goodness of a person means that you have a lot of that from within yourself.  It is your very own goodness that enables you to identify and appreciate the goodness around you.  YES, if there's anything that should wake us up, it is the belief that we should feel BLESSED for everything that you want.  Apparently, this is a adopted from Hawaiian philosophy that propounds that if you want something that someone else had, bless themπŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦

Experts encourage us to 'silently' appreciate all aspects you love about them.  And then, focus on all the good and keep blessing it.  And, as they say, even if you DON'T believe about this universe, doing that will at least break that vicious cycle of NEGATIVE and self-deprecating thoughts.  YES, it seems easy to think that everyone around us is having a better time than we are, especially WHEN we're comparing our lives with those of other people.  WHAT a mix-up hereπŸ˜—πŸ˜—πŸ˜—

The problem WHEN we compare ourselves to others is that we are often looking at WHAT they versus WHAT we DON'T have.  And that's a terrible first step in any thought process as you're coming up as handicapped right at the very start of that inequitable comparison.  Next time, WHEN you catch yourself drifting to that thought, STOP IT❎❎❎

Our takeaway:  WHY DON'T we start thinking about WHAT you have that you truly appreciate?  Those could be simple things like having a wonderful job OR a loving family OR supportive parents.  It helps to make that list WHEN you are in that 'happier zone'.  Problem is, we spend a lot of time and energy just thinking about HOW other people are better than us.  BUT we hardly ever share our thoughts with the people close enough to us.  Bottom line is let's think about WHO you want to become.  And take it from there, dude❗❗❗

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